Looking At Samsung and Apple – The Battle Begins To Heat Up

When it comes to the smart phone market, it is truthful to say that Apple currently leads the way. In fact, Apple is widely considered to be the biggest and most successful smartphone manufacturer in the entire world. When scouring the news outlets, consumers are much more likely to run across news stories regarding Apple than Samsung, but the two may begin correlating with one another. This is truly surprisingly considering the history between the two companies. Changes are abound and upcoming moves may actually push the companies closer together than anyone could ever imagine. What should you expect? You’ll be able to find out below.

Working Together

The majority of consumers would be incredibly shocked to find that Apple and Samsung could actually work in conjunction with one another. In fact, most would be surprised to discover that Apple would be willing to work alongside any other tech company for that matter. Now, both companies may be willing to rekindle their relationship, at least when it comes to the Samsung Gear S2. The Samsung Gear 2 is one of Samsung’s ventures into the wearable technology industry. The smart watch, which is suitable for women and men, has gained a lot of popularity and has been highly lauded for its affordable price tag, enormous battery life and overall performance.

Of course, until recently, Gear S2 users were limited. Samsung hopes to expand their customer base, by allowing their smart watch to work seamlessly with the Apple iOS. Those that refuse to part with their Apple iPhones will now be able to take full advantage of the Samsung Gear S2. It is unknown whether or not this will actually have an impact and whether or not it could sway more iPhone users to invest in the Samsung smart watch.

Of course, this is a major move and shows that the two companies could very well cooperate with one another, despite any recent battles. If you would wish to learn more about Samsung’s move, you should visit here immediately.

Samsung’s Gamble

Of course, the love fest isn’t going to last for long. Both companies wish to dominate the smartphone market. In order to do that, it is truly imperative for Samsung and Apple to deliver innovative products, which are unique, different and appealing to consumers. Samsung’s latest gamble will do just that. The company hopes to be able to develop and release bendable devices within the next few years. The Korean based technological company has alluded to such interest over the course of several years, but they’ve remained mum regarding the precise details.

With the recent patent filing for the Patently Mobile, Samsung may finally be able to achieve its goals. It is truly just a matter of time, before Samsung stuns consumers with the release of a bendable smartphone. The company, along with LG, has been increasing their efforts to develop flexible displays within the past few years and it would seem that they’re closer than ever before.

How long will it be, before consumers will be able to bend their smartphone like a deck of playing cards? Only time will tell, but Samsung hopes that dream becomes a reality sooner rather than later and they also hope they’re the ones responsible for the revolution.

Case Details

Back in 2011, court filings were in order with Apple accusing Samsung of copyright infringement, involving the design and features of their products (iPads and iPhones). Of course, Samsung continued to deny these claims and even went so far as to file counterclaims against Apple in late 2012.  Samsung admits that this lawsuit is hurting their sales. The jury sided with Apple, awarding them $1.05 billion in punitive damages, while Samsung’s counterclaim was totally dismissed, leaving them empty handed.

Well, it was not over yet, because a new trial was order in early 2013, by U.S. District Court Judge Lucy Koh. This time the damages would be recalculated, which in the end did not favor Samsung. In November 2013, Apple was awarded an addition $290.5 million in punitive damages. Even though $450.5 million was struck off the original judgment, Samsung would have to pay a total sum of $930 million to Apple.

These two mobile phone giants are still battling it out in the U.S. Supreme Court. Samsung was given an appeal and the court date is set for late August of this year.  Everyone will have to sit back and wait for the outcome, while Samsung hopes to lower the monetary punishment by millions.


Although it is obvious that Apple and Samsung are willing to cooperate on some level, it seems that they’ll do so only when it suits both parties. The companies are definitely not on friendly terms that that will likely remain evident for many years to come.

Osho Garg

About Author
Osho is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TecheHow.
