The Best Trends in Web Design for 2015

It’s easy to see that web design trends come and go; some stay on and become ‘permanent’, as it were, whilst some have gone the way of the dodo bird. But one thing’s for sure: as we welcome the new year, it always pays to know what’s in store when it comes to web design. Trends abound, and it’s important to separate the wheat from the chaff in this regard as well. You have to know what works and what doesn’t, so you can also adjust your website according to what your users and prospective customers want and need.

That being said, here are a few top trends in web design to watch out for in 2015:

Also Read: HTML5 Cheat Sheet

Bigger, brighter images

Images have always served to draw the attention of visitors to any site. But in 2015, there is set to be an increased emphasis on images that are bigger and bolder than before. More websites’ homepages will have larger images that will often stop only at the break of the screen. When the visitor begins to navigate through the site, they will then only see the page’s content and the image will disappear. These bigger images have become a trend, especially since more people are using tablets and their smart phones to access the web.

Also Read: HTML5 Beginner”s Guide

Expect to see more of responsive website design

Whilst we’re on the subject of people viewing the Internet through their tablets and smart phones, expect to see a trend towards more responsive website design. With responsive website design, those who access the Internet through a range of gadgets will have an easier time browsing through different sites. The good aspect about responsive website design is that it permits a site to predict or detect the size of the screen being used by a user, so it can adjust automatically to the size of this screen. With this, users are more likely to stay on a website and continue to navigate through it since their experience is more enjoyable whatever gadget they are making use of.

An increased emphasis on enhanced website backgrounds

Another upcoming trend to look out for in 2015 when it comes to website design is an emphasis on more attractive, eye-catching website backgrounds. Expect the use of more videos (specifically HTML5 ones and not simply promotional ones) that are able to run in web pages’ backgrounds. Since there are several ways in which to embed videos in HTML, some forward-thinking companies have already made use of this in their own websites.

Other website design elements that are here to stay

Of course, even with the proliferation of various trends in website design that are more innovative and amazing than ever, there are some aspects to web design that are here to stay. This would include a website’s organisation – visitors will always prefer a website that is well-organised with clear information that is easy to see rather than a website that is difficult to navigate through and get information from. Also, big and easily-understandable fonts on websites remain a premier choice, since this contributes to a website’s ease of use and more enhanced design.

User-friendliness and inherent appeal is still a big thing, not only for website designers and specialists such as, but most especially for Internet users who want nothing more than a visually-appealing yet informative web experience.

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Osho Garg

About Author
Osho is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TecheHow.
