How to Explain Gaps in Your Resume

Job seekers applying for new jobs in India see gaps in their resumes as burdens that lower their chances of getting selected for a job. The insecurity that this fact wakes up in people can lower their confidence. The best way to deal with gaps in your resume is to address them honestly. How you justify a period of unemployment says a lot about your attitude towards your profession. A valid explanation, if phrased properly, will lead a prospective employer to believe that the time has led to a progression in your career and not a slump. If you are unsure where to start, you may want to consider employing the services of a professional resume writing service. They can update your resume, attracting the attention of potential employers, and gaining you more interview requests.

When addressing gaps in your resume or CV, you have to be honest and tactful. The following are a few ways that you can go about it.

Clarify Why You Quit your Previous Job

If you quit your job voluntarily, elucidate as to what made you do so. Interviewers often ask why you didn’t search for another job before leaving the previous one, so be prepared to answer that. If you were asked to leave, make it clear as to why and have substantial evidence as well as good references from your previous job.


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Mention Other Professional Commitments

The idea is to show that you have been productive during the gap. Specifying any volunteer work or courses that you were a part of during your period of unemployment shows that you were proactive and kept your finger on the pulse of the industry, staying up to date with events as well as gaining professional insight. Consider mentioning any work that you had undertaken even if it was not directly related to your profession. Justifying it as a learning experience instead of calling it a ‘break’ or a ‘hiatus’ is essential.

Retain Relevant Gap Details

This applies especially if you have been in the workforce for many years. Explain gaps that are relevant and longer, as compared to short gaps. You don’t need to justify a gap in detail if you have been employed after it. This applies to how you list your previous positions as well. If you have been in the workforce for a while, it is redundant to list every single one of the positions you held. List only the pertinent ones.

Don’t get Personal

Remember that this is a formal process. Avoid getting extremely personal and detailed when you are explaining the gap, particularly if it was due to medical reasons. The best way to tackle this when applying for a new job would be to state what issue you had faced, the physical rest you required and how you are now ready to be back in the workforce.

Be Positive

How you portray your justifications play a vital role in catching a prospective employer’s attention. Maintaining a positive note is key here. Instead of talking about how your previous boss was insufferable, mention how you learned to adapt to various situations. Instead of saying that you took six months off to tour the world for a break, talk about how you expanded your horizons and delved into new and different cultures. Make your experiences, during the gap, add up to skills and talents that are useful.

Gaps should be dealt with honesty and you shouldn’t let your insecurity about it bogyou down. With these tips, you can explain that gap with confidence.

Osho Garg

About Author
Osho is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TecheHow.
