The Best Business Tech since ’10

This period of time that we are currently in the midst of, that started in 2010, has no definitive name like its predecessors before it — it’s been known as the teens, the tens and even the tenties— but what can be definitely said about this now 7-year-old decade is that it is has produced some quality technological devices, services and platforms that have enhanced the business world two-fold. You can find below some of the best tech innovations that have come to life since the year 2010 that would, if implemented in your business, drastically improve it.


Hiver, created by GrexIt in 2011 (no, this doesn’t refer to any attempts from Greece to leave the EU) is a software that helps organisations collaborate via email. It allows for the sharing of information between different teams in order to ease the problems of working together on aspects such as sales, project management and general business operations. This service also works with apps such as Gmail for Business in order to store emails for the later purpose of going back to look at them when crucial business information is needed. This means that a whole archive of business plans, accounting information or financial documents can be sought with ease when they are needed. It is a much better option than searching through a hoard of emails, or trying to retrieve those that have been deleted.


Released in 2004 (yes a whole six years before the stated threshold for this list of the best tech), this communication platform makes it onto this list because of the fact the version this refers to, known as ‘The New Basecamp’ was released in 2012 and is basically the Basecamp known and loved the world over by businesses today. If you are a business owner, and you want to retain a healthy and active communication with your employees throughout the day with ease, then Basecamp should be one of the first platforms that you think about implementing into your business. It makes for communication between you and your team to be seamless and always active. But it’s not just a messaging service: on it you and your team can all work towards, in real-time, the communal completion or management of projects even when you”re not in the same room, the same building or even the same country. You can also store a host of important documents and important data on there too so that you can use it to, like with the services offered by Hiver, go back and check up on important things from the past such as emails and invoices and find them in a easy to access and tidy place.


Born in February, 2010, Microsoft Azure is a service that allows the user to build, deploy and manage applications. It is the option for all businesses that are serious about creating applications because it allows for them to have the ability to try and retry aspects and features to make sure that it is right for them. Also, the fact that is is cloud based means that its usage isn’t location dependant, which is a part of business that is simply becoming a norm — if you can’t do your business anywhere in the world, then you are falling behind. If you do take to implementing Azure into your business, make sure to check these Azure Portal tips. The portal is an important aspect of the platform to get your head and around an understand, but can be done so with ease, and once done can yield great fortune for all your application-building needs.


This project management application, initially related in 2011, allows for work to be done collaboratively between those who work for a business. It is a tool that is used by people in business in order to stay on top of all the work they are working on and producing. Trello shows what is being worked on, who’s working on it and the progress that is being made on it. This could be used by business owners or line-managers to keep a track on what their employees are working on throughout the working day. It can be used for a number of other purposes too, some of which of note include: real estate management, lesson planning and case management in regards to the law. Like Basecamp, it is a communal virtual area that allows for everything to accessed in real time by everybody who is granted access to it.

Google Drive

This file storage, launched in 2012, allows for its users to store files in the cloud. Businesses that employ freelance and home-based worked, especially, should consider optimising Google Drive as it allows for the posting of documents on Google Docs, the recording and collection of information on Google Sheets and for real-time communication on Google Hangouts, which can also include video calling. Any business that is not based in a ‘traditional’ office environment should use this safe way to store and share files. It is quick and simple to use and is very much a sign of Google’s grown power in the technological world of today. It’s not just a search engine anymore — now it’s a way of life for some businesses and something that some businesses just could not survive without.

The technology of the ‘tenties’ have, so far, built upon the bases that have been set before it by the technologies of the previous decades. As a business owner in this day and age, the digital age, it is crucial for the success of your business that you are using optimising the latest technological tools and advances of today. You must bring your office into the 21st century by using not only the services and platforms stated above, but everything else that you think will benefit your business two-fold. Not doing so will result in your business falling behind its competition, and you don’t want that, do you?

Osho Garg

About Author
Osho is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TecheHow.
