The individual tools and elements of Penetration Testing for modern Businesses

While the concept of penetration testing is commonplace in the worlds of business and commerce, some entrepreneurs continue to misunderstand the intricacies of this practice and the benefits that they offer. There are even some that do not appreciate the individual elements of penetration testing, meaning that they cannot possibly hope to use this as a way of establishing a secure and robust IT infrastructure. This needs to be addressed, especially in a world where a growing amount of business is conducted online.

The core elements of Penetration testing and how they help your business

In order to bridge this knowledge gap, it is imperative that you develop a deeper understanding of penetration testing services and the individual components that underpin specialist service providers such as Nettitude For example:

Network and Infrastructure Testing

This is arguably the most important aspect of penetration testing, as it evaluates the core strength of your network and the infrastructure that supports every element of your online business. Such a process includes testing the validity of data transfers and the security of individual end-points, while it also reviews employee and consumer behaviour in a bid to identify vulnerabilities within the system. This is a comprehensive solution that can stop cyber-attacks at source, while also helping businesses to meet the requirements of PCI DSS and ISO 27001.


Image Source: Pexels

Employee Phishing Testing

According to various sources, there are an estimated 15.6 million phishing emails that escape through spam filters every single day. This is therefore a key component of any comprehensive penetration test, as it is important to ensure that employees and existing company data is vulnerable to such rudimentary attacks. Through a simulated attack in a controlled environment, you can test the effectiveness of your email filters and determine or not whether any remedial action is necessary. Some companies may even offer advanced awareness courses for staff members, enabling them to identify phishing emails before they can damage your network.

Website and Web Application Testing

Your website and individual web applications represent the front line of your online business, and this is therefore more vulnerable to attack and data breaches than anything else. Expert service providers therefore tend to offer consultant-driven pentest solutions that focus heavily on web applications, identifying weaknesses and potential end-points that may be vulnerable. The correlated data can then be used to provide recommendations for future improvement, creating a more secure website that adequately protects consumer information and the details of financial transactions.

Osho Garg

About Author
Osho is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TecheHow.
