The Best Guide on How to Structure Your Academic Paper

Are you staring at your blank screen since you do not know how to begin your academic paper? It may be a research paper, and in college or university, you have to complete several of these. Research papers are necessary to demonstrate your understanding of the class. However, for most students writing them is torture. Nevertheless, these guidelines will advise you on how to handle any academic paper.

Make your thoughts organized

The first and most crucial guideline while working on an academic paper is to have ideas of your paper well-thought-out. According to, you achieve this by identifying the main aim of the piece. Next, you look at the information on the subject to see whether it correlates with what you want to communicate. Also, you establish the topic and essential ideas in your research that you need to communicate. Getting all these perspectives in order helps you have a clear mind of where you want to go with your research paper.


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Research the main topic

Researching your topic should be your second step. You need materials, data, and statistics to support your research so that your ideas are credible. So to succeed, you need to determine how to research a topic effectively. Utilize both primary and secondary sources as they are quality sources of information. These include books, research journals, peer-review articles, and manuscripts. The references should be recent for relevant information. Go through them and take notes of the significant materials.

Create your thesis statement

In outlining how to structure a research paper, you have to include a thesis statement. It is the main argument you make in your writing and one that guides your research process. The aim of conducting research is to persuade the reader of a particular perspective. The thesis you come up with should be short and mirror the kind of piece you are scripting. If your sample research paper is, “An argumentative paper on why abortion should be illegal,” the thesis statement should be, “abortion should be illegal because it is inhuman, and violates a child’s right to life.”

Make your outline fit the main idea

With several ideas obtained from your research stage, you need to organize them in a systematic way that your academic paper will follow. If you are struggling with writing an outline, nowadays you can always pay for your essay as you can pay to get your resume done.

Anyway, the best advice that outlining all this information makes a smooth writing process. Begin by writing down the research paper structure, which includes introduction, body, and conclusion sections. Once you have them, look through your notes and identify information for each subheading. Only include material that is most interesting and relevant to your topic. If you feel the research material is insufficient, conduct another research and come up with more.

Write the body by working on the introduction, and conclusion


Writing an introduction paragraph involves you introducing your research topic and outlining the main argument you will be putting across. To make this possible, open up your writing with a provoking question, attention-grabbing statistics, statement, or unusual fact. It helps make your paper interesting to read. Next, provide a brief background and finish off by stating the thesis statement.


Body writing is the central part of the academic paper, where you discuss your argument. By following your outline, determine the number of paragraphs you will include and discuss one point per section. Organize them based on the relevance, with the most important ones at the top. In the body paragraph structure, have the main idea in the first sentence and a supporting point. Also, include supporting information such as statistics and examples.


Conclude your paper with a closing paragraph. It includes restating the thesis statement and summarizing the points you have discussed. In an example of a research paper arguing why abortion should be illegal, the conclusion can be: “Abortion is a cruel act that should be illegal. Killing, even though it is of an unborn fetus, is immoral and should not be acceptable as everyone deserves to live.”

Proofread and Edit

Once you complete your academic paper, proofread it. notes that there is nothing that degrades your writing as having careless mistakes in your draft. So, endeavor to have perfect work. Go through your work and assess its flow, transition from one paragraph to the other, and the structure. Ensure you have exhausted your topic by tackling all aspects. Eliminate grammar, punctuation and spelling mistakes, passive voice, and incomplete sentences, among other errors. Make use of helpful tools such as Grammarly, to make editing easier.

Academic papers are not easy assignments to write for most students. For most, mastering the necessary writing skills to complete such a paper or any writing homework is difficult, making starting such a task a challenge. Nevertheless, do not worry as these guidelines will see you through your writing process and help you master the art of structuring an academic paper.

Bio: Allen Cranston is an analyst and resume writer. Allen committed to helping talented professionals show the world what he is truly capable of. Since launching in 2012, Allen has helped over 4,000 job applicants land their dream jobs for He is constantly looking for new ways to help people achieve their career goals.

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Osho is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TecheHow.
