How to reduce the cart abandonment rate in Magento stores in no time?

‘Why don’t they just press the button and complete the purchase?’ That is the question which most managers of Magento stores ask striving to resolve a problem of cart abandonment. It is no news that about 70% of customers just abandon their carts after loading some items into them without finishing the process of buying. Just imagine – 7 in 10 visitors of your Magento shop were ready to become buyers increasing your revenues immensely, but instead they left. But why?

What does your cart look like?

Due to statistics, about 40% of people abandon carts just because of hesitation. So the first thing one should do to reduce the abandonment rate is to make sure the process of purchasing doesn’t cause uncertainty or hesitation of any kind. Here come several important moments you should consider when arranging this process at your Magento site:

  • Buying any item should be transparent. The customer will be more decisive if he observes every stage of the process – payment, shipping details, getting a receipt. Be precise, and you will be trusted.
  • There shouldn’t be any opportunities for customers to leave the site without a purchase. Check out that there is no advertisement or ‘home’ buttons in your Magento cart so as not to provide a future buyer with any clue to abandon it.
  • Make the process of buying in your Magento store as quick as possible. Get rid of tiresome forms – let a customer point out only the details you would really need.

E-mail motivation

It is vital to make a connection to your visitors so that they can be convinced to come back even after they have abandoned their carts. E-mails are the best way to attract attention and make people interested again. No doubt, sending information letters, reminders and giving discounts should be organized in a system. Today it has become much easier with programs making the job automatically like a Magento extension Abandoned Cart Email. All you need is to create your own rules of emailing, and guests as well as registered customers will receive encouraging letters. These letters would not only remind of your site and the cart that was left, but convince customers they are really valuable to you, which is a known way for creating loyal and motivated buyers.

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Osho Garg

About Author
Osho is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TecheHow.
