How This Project In Bangalore Helps The Environment

The rate at which we are destroying the environment, each industry that operates has to make sure that they do their share of green stuff to contribute to the betterment of the environment. When it comes to the real estate industry, Tata Value homes, Bangalore are doing their part. Tata New Haven is a project launched by Tata Housing in Bangalore which is not only a housing project, but goes beyond it by adopting green methods of construction and implementing the same in the lifestyle of the people.

Here is a list of measures that they have adopted and implemented to promote eco-friendly methods of living:


Rain water harvesting:

This is something that the residents and the company can take pride in. Water is precious and we all know it, but we do not really take any measure to save any water. You building will do that for you. The different rain water harvesting methods that are undertaken by Tata New Haven are commendable and also very useful.

The water will then be used for different maintenance purposes of the complex itself. This will reduce the dependency on bore wells and on the tankers from the different suppliers. This will also make the people a lot more self-sufficient.

Lush green walkways:

The best way to keep eco-friendly is to plant trees. Tata New Haven is a project which has a green premise altogether. You will find many internal roads, but all surrounded by green. This not only makes the place look good, but also makes it a lot nicer when it comes to being healthy and green.

For all those trees that you did not plant in school in environmental sciences trips, Tata housing in Bangalore is planting them for you!

Planting all these trees is not only goof for the sir, but also for the land. The soil beneath will hold closer and tighter when there are a lot of trees planted over it. You will see the difference in the form of cracks on the ground. The roots will also retain a lot more water when it rains increasing the levels of the bore wells.

Open spaces:

When we talk about environment, animals and people are a part of it. The open spaces are only going to make sure that you and your pets get a good environment to live in. Your pets can definitely use the space to indulge in activity and you can also have a good run.

The jogging tract which is kept away from the vehicle track will help you keep away from pollution while you are exercising.

Raw material:

Yet another concern when it comes to construction companies: you can be sure that Tata Value Homes is built using as many eco-friendly components as possible. The construction process is also such that there is least pollution of all kinds. They try to keep it silent to reduce noise pollution and user machinery in a way that they do not generate air pollution either.

The doors and fittings are also purchased from brands which is known to generate least pollution in the industry and there has been minimal cutting of trees to free up land for the project as well.

Tata Housing in Bangalore has proven to the entire real estate market in the city that it is not a big deal to develop a full-fledged township without creating too much trouble. In fact, it is also possible to help the environment with the construction.

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Osho Garg

About Author
Osho is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TecheHow.
