Learn the crucial three-tier process to improve your online marketing!

“Marketing,” “Promotions,” “Search engine strategies,” “Google,” and “High Ranking” Knowledge about all these terms is very crucial for every digital marketer. These terms might look very simple and easy to understand. However, the reality is a bit different.

The value these terms hold is immense. In simple terms, these can help “Make or Break” your business. That’s why you need to stay cautious when creating a plan for company growth. In fact, along with staying cautious, you also have to pay attention to the external business factors, i.e., constantly changing algorithms and trends.

It might look like a lot to you right now. But believe us! If you stay concentrated and determined, you’ll learn a process that will surely improve your marketing. This process includes all the basics of the online world, or we can say “the basics of Google world.” So, now you need to read everything very carefully. 

Nonetheless, keep in mind that we are using the term “Three-tier” for this process, and they can help you capture your online market organically. That being said, let’s get started! 

On-page SEO

The first tier of this process is On-page SEO. It is related to the content that is posted on your company website. That means the measures you need to do for improving the web pages of your site to make it easy for Google to identify you. It basically includes two things:

  • Keywords and their optimization, and
  • Quality content

That means you need to conduct thorough research about the industry keywords. Try to select the popular but low competitive keywords that make it easy for your target users to find you. In addition to that, it is also essential that you post regular and informative content on your site. So that the target audience gets attached to your company. 


Image Source: Pixabay

Technical SEO

As the name suggests, it is about dealing with the backend of your site. That means all the technical stuff that’ll help you enhance the user experience and help the web crawler identify the site. It also helps in generating more website traffic. It includes the following things:

  • Mobile-friendly website 
  • Speed of the site
  • Site security
  • Structure and designing of the site
  • Indexing and Crawling 

Not to forget that technical search engine optimization is the reason why most companies take outside help. Moreover, according to the article https://www.techehow.com/, hiring an SEO company also helps save the company money. In addition to this, it also helps create an impressive strategy that drives organic traffic to the site. 

Off-page SEO

The last tier of this process is off-page optimization. It includes creating strategies to connect with other people who’ll help your site outshine. Besides that, it also helps in enhancing website authority and brand reputation in the online world. It will help Google to understand that your site is authentic, user-friendly, and provides relevant information. The most common techniques used in off-page optimization are link building and guest posting. 

To Sum It All Up!

These three optimization techniques are called three-tier and help improve online/digital marketing. Thus, if you study and plan wisely, it”ll help your website grow higher organically. And capture the attention of the target audience.

Osho Garg

About Author
Osho is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TecheHow.
