How to Set up Your eCommerce Business

There are new entrepreneurs who would like to join the online business and get a piece of the pie. The volume of eCommerce businesses is growing rapidly and people are choosing this type of online business due to its many benefits and potential. eCommerce achieved a 20% increase in revenue and got up to $3.45 trillion which is incredible, and it is expected that more than 95% of all transactions will be via eCommerce until 2040.

People nowadays do not have to go to the supermarket to get the necessary things for the home, they can just order them through eCommerce stores such as Amazon and expect delivery within 2 days. Things like SFCC integration make the whole process a bit easier, but since the level of competition is very high, it is not always straightforward to build a successful eCommerce store.


Image Source: Pixabay

In this article, we will go through some of the steps you need to take in order to build your dream eCommerce business.

Choosing the Niche

There are a lot of different categories that you can cover in the online business and finding the right one could be tough for you. Creating a general store where you sell all kinds of things might be a bad idea to start, as you’ll have to attract much broader audience. Most successful eCommerce stores are niche stores where you sell products of specific category, sub-category or even only one product.

You’ll have to find the niche where the level of competition is low and as well as have big potential customers or market for sale. Finding the right correspondence between these two factors might be tough, but you should always look for a way to simplify your eCommerce store and target a very specific type of people.


Once you have a clear idea of what type of eCommerce business you want to build, you should start researching everything you need for that particular niche. For example, customer needs, the level of competition, market value, profit margins, product problems and returns, and etc. the more you know the more chance for success you’ll have. Write a detailed business plan where you outline every future action.

Setup Your Business

The time has come to personalize your new business. This means that you should pick a catchy domain, create a logo, build your website, establish payment gateways, choosing eCommerce platform and etc. Basically, you are now creating your brand so you have to pay attention to details just because customers really appreciate it. Creating a unique story will also help you boost your sales and separate yourself from the competition.

Choose Products

Choosing the right products has always been a very difficult step of the way, just because this is where you make or break your business plan. Anticipating trends and choosing the right product at the right time can bring you fortune and also ruin your business by buying not popular products. There are a lot of applications that can help you target only trendy products, but it is best if you follow your instinct that you will build over time.

Store Launch

Once you have created the perfect user experience on your website and it is full of highly popular products with good profit margins, you are ready for your launch. Most eCommerce stores are made using Shopify or WooCommerce which makes this process very simple. It is important to double-check your website for any malfunctioning or broken links, just because you would not like to set the wrong first impressions.


This is the key element for every eCommerce business. Product advertising has changed over the last few years and you have to adapt to any changes that customers demand. Of course, you are not an advertising expert from the beginning, but you need to learn from your data and adapt your advertising to get bigger return of investment.

Basically the process is very simple yet complicated, similarly like online football betting where you are trying to find the biggest odds in order to get bigger returns for investing small capital. The key to any advertising is targeting. If you target the right audience for some particular product, you’ll get results.

These are some of the steps for launching your own eCommerce store. You’ll make many mistakes along the way, which is not a bad thing and we cannot learn without them. It is very important to scan and analyze your data just because it is your only way that you can attract more customers and build a successful eCommerce business.

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Osho Garg

About Author
Osho is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TecheHow.
