Horizon-Agency (Orienta United Agency OÜ) introduces us to the world of Machine Learning

That the world changes is something we all know, but the current reality is that changes are occurring at an ever-increasing speed, it could be said that we are changing from evolution to revolution. One of the most profound changes we are seeing in the computing and robotics sector, which is moving towards truly intelligent devices and “capable of learning”. This field of great potential is what is known as Machine Learning. It can bring a great competitive advantage and strong innovations to many projects and companies. When it comes to new sectors, it is essential to be close to companies with experience in the sector, so that they can advise us correctly. It is the case of Horizon-Agency (Orienta united Agency OÜ). 


Image Credit: [Horizon Agency]

Brief introduction, What is Machine Learning?

Machine Learning is a branch of knowledge that is a bit transversal, since it combines knowledge in computing and artificial intelligence, in mathematics and statistics, and even philosophy! With this striking name – whose translation already gives us some clues about machines and learning – we speak of a branch that is increasingly present in our lives. Everything that implies automation and personalization processes at the same time, is a process that may be using machine learning to improve its techniques and processes in search of being more profitable, both for the client and the supplier.

Demonstration of the usefulness of Machine Learning

Now that chess is so popular with the Netflix series “Queen”s Gambit”, let”s give an example about chess.

Those who are fans of chess will know that machines have long outnumbered men at playing chess, in fact, now computer programs compete with each other in specific chess championships. All these chess programs were developed in the same way: a team of programmers and players programmed “in code” the wisdom acquired through the experience of thousands of years playing chess and condensed into certain fundamental “laws or advice” about how to deal with certain types of positions or structures of typical pieces. Millions of tables of specific positions already processed are then installed to speed up the entire process. Finally, the much more powerful calculation capacity of computers comes into play compared to humans … and we already have a machine that is capable of playing at a much higher level than we are.

Well, all this changed in 2017 with the appearance of AlphaZero, a program that faced the problem from another point of view. Nobody “taught him to play chess”, he was simply told the rules of the game, and the rest he developed by learning by playing thousands of games against himself. A match was organized with the world champion for computers – yes, there is a world championship for computer chess – which is a free software project called Stockfish, and the result … was that AlphaZero defeated him widely.

This is the perfect example of machine learning: a self-learning device, this is how AlphaZero was developed.

Applications beyond the mere chess anecdote

Chess was just one example. Machine learning is already being applied in many sectors, for example, the personalization of advertising. In the world of investment and trading it is used to create trading algorithms to constantly improve the profitability of automatic systems. Self-driving cars and autopilots are another example of machine learning.

About Horizon-Agency (Orienta united Agency OÜ)

Horizon-Agency (Orienta united Agency OÜ) is an IT company specialized in creating innovative solutions with high technological content for its clients. The headquarters are located in Estonia, it is co-founded by a European benchmark for innovation and entrepreneurship such as Cristian Carmona and its staff is made up of staff from all over the world, a multidisciplinary team with experts in various subjects.

With an experienced team and the vocation to help its clients, Horizon-Agency (Orienta united Agency OÜ) is an international benchmark in innovative and personalized solutions according to client needs.

Horizon-Agency (Orienta united Agency OÜ) proposal for Machine Learning

To work with Machine Learning, Horizon-Agency (Orienta united Agency OÜ) offers us their knowledge and experience in this field, but they will also offer us the personal vision of their corporate culture about how to develop the project:

  1. Define the customer”s problem and conceptualize the potential solution based on machine learning.
  2. Application of the exploratory analysis technique to explore the alternatives without incurring waste of customer resources.
  3. Design of the model, evaluation and learning phase. This is where the improvement that the model is making over each iteration is checked, while preparing to go to production.
  4. Project development, evaluation and monitoring. The learning model is deployed and its accuracy is measured. Making the necessary adjustments.
  5. Maintenance, diagnosis and monitoring of the precision and degree of improvement over time.

The essence of the corporate culture goes beyond delivering the ordered product. The true added value is sought by accompanying the client throughout the entire process, as well as by customizing the solution according to the real needs of the client.


Horizon-Agency (Orienta united Agency OÜ) is a good reference if you are thinking of working on this technology, and if not, it is equally interesting to follow them and be informed of the news in the sector through their blog.

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Osho Garg

About Author
Osho is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TecheHow.
