4 Tips for Mastering Facebook SEO


Image Source: Pixabay

2.9 billion.

That’s how many monthly users Facebook has nowadays! Crazy, right? It just goes to show how much of a powerhouse this social media platform has become.

Of course, it’s also why Facebook has such potential for your business. Thanks to Facebook business pages, you can easily promote your products and services to would-be customers on the platform! First, though, it pays to master Facebook page SEO.

Want some help extending your organic reach by tapping into the Facebook algorithm? Keep reading for 4 top tips on mastering SEO in Facebook.

1. Nail Your Name

The first step to optimizing your FB business page is to select the best possible name for it. Pick a name that’s on-brand, short, catchy, and, most important of all, complete with relevant keywords. Don’t go overboard here, but having a well-chosen keyword (especially at the start of the page name) will help your business stand out.

Worried about getting it right the first time? Don’t be. Although you’re better off choosing well from the outset, FB now lets you edit the name if you ever wish to change it.

2. Claim Your URL

The URL of your FB page comes into play here too. When you create your page, you’ll be assigned one automatically. But this auto-generated URL is always generic, unbranded, and often gobbledegook.

Make sure you edit it and claim your vanity URL. Expect a sizeable SEO boost if it matches your company name! It should also be concise and descriptive to give your audience a sense of what your business is all about.

3. Incorporate Keywords

Like any optimization endeavor, the real secret to SEO in Facebook is keywords. To help your business page appear in search results, it’s imperative that you include relevant (and specific) keywords and phrases throughout it!

Avoid the temptation to overstuff the page with them. Yet you should definitely work them into your about and descriptions sections, as well as your headline, photo captions, and any updates you post.

4. Get Backlinks

Backlinks are important to the success of your Facebook page too. If established, trustworthy sites start linking to it, then search engines like Google will see your page as an authority too. Expect to appear higher up in results thereafter.

FYI, some people buy likes on Facebook for similar reasons. A quick way to make your page seem like an authority to people who encounter your business on the platform, it’s definitely an option. Just ensure you only buy them from reputable sources!

Master SEO in Facebook

Facebook offers businesses a powerful way to market their products and services. However, with so many other companies vying for peoples’ attention, standing out from the crowd can be a challenging task.

Enter the need for SEO in Facebook. Done right, optimizing your business page puts you in a much better position to start featuring in search results and gaining the exposure you need. There’s much more to learn on these types of topics though!

Stick around, browse our site, and read more articles about them today.

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Osho Garg

About Author
Osho is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TecheHow.
