3 Ways Management Software Can Aid a Business

Owning a business requires a special type of mindset. While many of us feel like we’re living from one payday to the next, a business owner needs to sustain a long-term view of the situation. After all, they not only have their own livelihoods to think about, but their employees’ too. This is why the convenience of modern technology is such a benefit. Here’s three ways management software can help you stay in control.

Develop a Mobile App

We live in what is known as the post-PC era, a term popularized by Steve Jobs around the launch of the iPhone. Engaging with brands via our smartphones and tablets has become second nature to customers these days. In fact, recent studies show that a massive 85% of consumers favour apps over mobile websites.


Image Source: Pixabay

A mobile app not only provides your customers with a convenient way to purchase products or services from your company, it also provides you with advanced data analytics to see what they”re buying, how often they’re buying it, and even their location. This kind of information is crucial if you want to identify reliable trends in your business. Make sure you have an app for iOS, Android, and Windows so you can reach as large of a potential customer base as possible.

Taking Control of Your Backroom

Another advantage of incorporating software into your business is thorough inventory management. Sales, stock, and turnover reports can all be made easily accessible on your PC as well as on your smartphone or tablet via an internal app so you can keep working on the go.

A useful feature of this kind of software is to set a reminder when you’re ever low on a particular item. This way, you’ll receive a message to re-order the item or you could automate the system to order the product when you reach a certain critical level. Now you’ll never have to worry about running out of stock of a top-seller.

Create Loyal Customers

Finally, companies like Phorest Software can work with you to developing customer-benefitting technological solutions. In the digital age of instant messages and 140-character tweets, word of mouth travels quickly. This could make or break your business when it comes to client retention.

A great way to encourage repeat spending by employing a loyalty scheme, in the form of “points” that can be used as in-store credit, or offering a service for free after a number of repeat purchases. If you ever decide to send your customers offers or discount codes via email, make sure you take advantage of the information you have to tailor it to their interests. You don’t want your well-intentioned message to come across as spam.

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Osho Garg

About Author
Osho is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TecheHow.
