Useful Tips And Tools For New Podcasters

Podcasts are getting so much attention and popularity, that even the good old Skype is trying to develop similar functions for its users.

So many think of starting a podcast, but how do you get noticed in this digital jungle of podcasting?

There is much advice we could give you about podcasting, but let”s start with starting. Here we’ll share some tips and even tools that will make the beginning of your podcasting career easier, more fun, and more effective.

Prepare Your Strategy And Choose Goals

Sit down and set your goals. Decide, why is it that you want to do it, what are your goals, and what is leading you. Because podcasting isn’t only podcasting like singing isn’t only singing and e-commerce is much more than just receiving profits.

You will need a robust strategy to plan, create, promote, and communicate with your target audience on your podcast. And without a clear purpose – it is an impossible thing to fo.

Planning Your Time And Content

If you start podcasting, you have to take it seriously. After you start getting more and more listeners, they will eventually become your loyal fans and followers and start expecting to receive regular content from you.

Today nobody likes a page on Facebook and doesn’t just follow someone on Instagram if it doesn’t bring the person any benefit. The forms of advantages can be different – it can be knowledge, inspiration, discounts, and so much more. So if you can offer nothing to your listeners – then why would they follow you?

So first of all, think if you’ll have enough time for this activity. And if the answer is yes, start planning your content – this will help you become more consistent. There are many online tools like Calendly that let you schedule your podcasts for the future.

Don’t Forget Visual Content

This tip might seem strange at first because some think podcasts are mainly audio. Yes, the audio part is very crucial and essential. But you also have to remember that you will have to promote your podcast and it can appear in many platforms all over the internet. So it will need at least a cover. If you don’t have PhotoShop skills – do not worry, there’s an entirely free and easy to use tool called Canva – and you can use it online.

Branding Your Name

For a podcaster, it is very crucial to brand one”s name. That means creating a personal brand – the easiest way to do it is on Instagram and Facebook.

But there’s another brand that you’ll need to create – it’s the name of the podcast itself. Pick it very carefully and with the concussion – it’s the main thing that will represent your content. Therefore people will make the first assumptions about your topics by reading the name of your podcast.

Take Notes And Collaborate

Taking notes about your ideas, plans, and future content is essential both of a starting and experienced podcaster. Creating podcasts is a creative process, so many good ideas might get lost and forgotten.

To collect all those inspirational quotes in one place and share it with your team or collaborators, you can use this amazingly functional tool Notion – then all your ideas will be safely kept in one place.

If you decide to collaborate with someone – then it’s an incredibly good idea. You’ll share your target audiences and who knows how many new listeners this could bring you.

Use The Right Technology And Software


Image Source: UnSplash

The quality of your audio is probably the second most important factor after your content. Therefore use the right gear and software to record – this is the part where you should invest the most. Because if your podcast is not clear, it will annoy your audience and they will skip to another one. If you are wondering how to record audio on mac in such fine quality, you can use this guide on how to record audio on mac in a few steps – it will make it easier for you.

Osho Garg

About Author
Osho is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TecheHow.
