Technology: How Real Estate Has Been Benefitted by Modern Marvels

For decades, anyone interested in buying or selling homes was at the mercy of circular publishers and classified ad printers for their advertising needs. Buyers scanned the papers regularly, looking to find teaser information that would be worth calling for more information. Sellers hoped their homes would be noticed and would look appealing to readers. The tiny snippets of information made it impossible to know whether a property had real potential without contacting the listed number for more information.

How Technology Is Changing Real Estate Advertising

Not so anymore. With the advent of internet and online real estate websites and mobile apps like Zillow and Trulia, the hunt for housing has become a pastime for many. Now, with just a few clicks of the mouse or swipes of the touchscreen, buyers can search for housing anywhere in the United States. In many cases, full slideshows give buyers an instant tour of homes that reveal whether the interior matches the exterior. Detailed information divulges recent renovations, asking prices, price history, and even what buyers can expect to pay monthly for mortgages. Some real estate agents even provide video tours of homes, making it possible for serious prospects to consider properties carefully before ever requesting a tour. Not only can buyers benefit from these technological marvels, those looking to buy investment properties or manage existing rental holdings can gain valuable information through these websites. According to this website, understanding local markets is vital for success in the rental management business, and technology makes knowing the market easy.


Image Source: Pixabay

How Technology Is Changing Real Estate Agents

The rise of technology has enhanced the real estate scene in more ways than just advertising, however. Because of the ease of access to information that was once only available by contacting real estate agents, many agents are changing their game plans. Instead of focusing on simply providing access to those looking to buy and advertising to those looking to sell, today’s top agents are strengthening their game plans by working to develop expertise that buyers and sellers need to get the most bang for their buck. In other words, today’s stellar agents are marketing their expertise rather than their accessibility, and for many, the change in pitch is effectual.

Thanks to modern technology, there’s no longer as much reason for potential homebuyers to spend agents” time merely window shopping, since so much of a home can be viewed online. As agents spend less time providing access to homes for less-than-serious buyers who are simply wanting to check out a home, they are increasingly freed to develop their expertise in new areas like legalities, ways to make a home sell, and exploring new marketing venues.  One of the most exciting new marketing opportunities for today”s agents is social media.

By using social media effectively, agents can save big on their budget, and that money saved can be diverted into investing in individuals likely to generate referral business, which is one of the most important aspects of real estate. Technology has indeed changed the real estate scene, and the fringe benefits are likely to result in better service for buyers and sellers and better opportunities for agents.

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Osho Garg

About Author
Osho is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TecheHow.
