Tech Tools & Gadgets For Modern Entrepreneurs

A huge challenge faced by today’s entrepreneurs is keeping up with the many responsibilities placed on your shoulders.

Staying on top of incoming emails, organizing your marketing campaign, keeping in touch with your professional network, and many other tasks would be nearly impossible to juggle successfully without the assistance of the latest tech tools.

The Internet may afford most people the time to procrastinate, but for entrepreneurs, the technology of a connected world wide web can be overwhelming. Just avoid the distraction of endless kitty videos and addictive mobile games!

Here is a brief overview of a few of the most notable tech tools and gadgets for entrepreneurs.

WordPress is an invaluable platform

Contemporary entrepreneurs need the necessary knowledge to build an effective business website to represent their organization, and WordPress is at the top of the list when it comes to site-building platforms.

WordPress will lead you through the process of building the basics of your business website.  An uncomplicated design, like this example page shows, is easy to produce with the help of this program.


Image Source: Pixabay

Google is the king of business tools

Google offers an array of different tools that will help you run a more efficient operation.

  • Google Analytics: To maintain an effective business website, you need to keep a watchful eye over the habits of traffic that moves through your site. Google Analytics will provide you with invaluable information regarding the demographics and web habits of the people visiting your website.
  • Google Docs: Write up all of your important documents in Google Docs so you have an instant and nearly indestructible backup of your information. Sharing documents with colleagues is much easier through the platform as well.
  • Google Slides: Collaboration is at its finest when Google Slides gets involved. Your projects will have the assurance of many different eyes perfecting the outlines.
  • Other G-Suite options: G-Suite also offers access to the Google Drive and several other lesser-known applications. Explore the benefit of multiple options with the tools of Google.

MailChimp for mass emailing

MailChimp is the number-one emailing tool for business today. Send out weekly newsletters using MailChimp’s services. Digital marketing takes it to the next level, and sends marketing to the mailbox that matters.

Trello is a great do-all tool

Organization is a priceless function to have when you’re an entrepreneur, and Trello is one of the best tools for the job. Trello is a free project management tool. You can create lists, add comments, upload files, share checklists, and much more.

Explore what Trello has to offer, and feel comfortable knowing you’ve got a bird’s-eye view on all of your company’s projects in the palm of your hand. You can even write your latest ebook using Trello!

Osho Garg

About Author
Osho is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TecheHow.
