Protect Your Privacy with Technology

Privacy in the age of social networking is a topic on a lot of people’s minds in today’s age. Many feel the loss of privacy is inevitable. As technology advances, it will necessarily encroach on our privacy, and we will adapt to new privacy norms. These people reason that since they’re not doing anything wrong, they don’t have anything to worry about.

However, this outlook isn’t necessarily true. Edward Snowden’s leak of controversial information to The Guardian in 2013 revealed that private security companies, social networking companies, and the government are all gathering information on private citizens. This information can be used as evidence if a citizen should commit a crime later in life — and the worldwide crackdown on social activist activity indicates that people who haven’t done anything wrong may be at risk for their information being used against them unfairly.

What’s more, there are many predators looking for technological access to your information. They may be looking to steal your photos, your money, or your identity.


Image Source: Pixabay

While it may seem there’s nothing you can do to protect your privacy, not everybody is taking these new privacy standards lying down. Programmers around the world have worked independently to create a variety of new technologies designed to protect your privacy — and you don’t have to be a computer person to take advantage of them.

Don’t Have Too Many Apps

Smartphone usage is higher than ever today — and one way your privacy can be violated is through any one of the thousands of apps available today. When you download an app, you typically allow the app to access a certain amount of information about you, your buying habits, your location, and more.

You should only allow apps you really need to use to have access to your address book and location. Some apps look shady right away — it’s best to avoid downloading those altogether. Learn about an app before downloading it to make sure it’s the app you want, and won’t access too much of your information.

Lie on Security Questions

If you have a social media profile, chances are there is a lot of information out about you on the internet. Companies haven’t caught on to this in their security procedures — or why else would your bank ask you to put your mother’s maiden name as your security screening question? A lot of personal information about you is likely available to anybody determined enough to find it.

To protect your privacy and assets, come up with secret phrase and answers of your own for internet security questions. This obscures your identity online, and helps throw off anybody trying to steal from you.


Privacy technology advances every day. While people without your best interests at heart may be looking to attack you through internet security loopholes, the tools to fight them are available to you. These are just a couple of tips for protecting your privacy. Research further and you can protect your information better.

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Osho Garg

About Author
Osho is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TecheHow.
