Mastering Marketing


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Marketing is the number one thing for your business – it’s your advertising, your branding, and your reputation. You need to bring together a great marketing campaign to get your business on the grid. But what do we mean by a marketing campaign? Marketing encompasses advertising through traditional means like billboards and leaflets, to online ads like email blasts and videos. It is the way in which you will spread your brand through non-profitable means such as supporting charities, and how you can gain data to make your business even better.


We’ve all had those phone calls asking us about our recent accident, or asking if we wish to switch our broadband providers. And where we get annoyed and put the phone down, do you ever wonder why they keep happening? Because they work. Using telemarketing services properly isn’t about phoning thousands of people and hoping that they say yes, but in locating those people who would be actually interested in your product. If they say no, at least you tried. And if they say yes, then you’ve done the job right.

Email Blasts

Sending out emails to your customers and clients helps to keep revenue, and it keeps you in their minds. If you are emailing an offer out, they are more likely to pay attention – particularly if it is an offer that is only eligible to those who receive the email. It’s a great way to make your customers feel special and valued. You can also use email blasts to share information and experiences with your customers and clients. If you have a blog, you can send them updates, and if they are interested in a certain event or project you’re involved in you can send them updates on the progress you’re making.


Never underestimate the power of posters. We drive past them all the time on our way to work, sitting at the train station or walking to the shop. And, subconsciously, we scan over it for anything of interest. When something catches our eyes, we are more likely to take it in from a poster than from online. As strange as it sounds, the mind processes information better off paper than off a screen. You can like your adverts, both physical and virtual, by using similar images and colour schemes. This cohesiveness will allow your potential customers to make the connection as they scroll or drive past your new ad.

Social Media

Social media is at the top of your marketing list. It is the biggest opportunity to reach as many people as possible. Using social media for your business needs to be professional, relevant and helpful. Don’t use it as a platform to spout your own opinions, as it could turn people away from your business. Talk about current events that are relevant to your industry; if you’re a car parts manufacturer, maybe don’t weigh in on the latest Kardashian debate. And if people have questions answer them as soon as you can helpfully and professionally.

Osho Garg

About Author
Osho is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TecheHow.
