GPS Leads the Way to Greater Business Fleet Profits

Global Positioning System (GPS) used to be outrageously expensive and was only used by governments for military operations. Today, modern GPS is now affordable and is accessible to business owners worldwide for tracking business fleets to lower costs and increase productivity all while exporting data to smart accounting timesheet software applications making life a little less difficult. Today, we will go over the benefits of having GPS tracking device for your business fleet vehicles and why your company can’t afford not to have this technology.

GPS Reduces Fuel Consumption

Providing fuel for your business can be an unforeseen expense with fuel costs going up but with GPS fleet tracking you can help reduce fuel costs by:

  • Regulating Vehicle Speed: You will always be able to keep an eye on drivers who might be speed demons. With GPS, you will be able to lower the speeds to help conserve fuel costs.
  • Decreasing Idle Time: According to Ford Motor Company, every hour of idle time is equal to 25 miles of driving. Thanks to GPS tracking you will be alerted when a vehicle remains idle for a specific length of time. This way your employees won’t be able to take advantage of cat naps and ensure they are doing what they are supposed to.
  • Improving Routes: Since your dispatcher will have the location of your fleet vehicles because of the GPS system you will be able to get them around any accidents or traffic jams via another route to their destination.
  • Improving Vehicle Maintenance: The GPS tracking will identify which one of your vehicles is in need of maintenance by keeping a record of mileage and which service may be needed for that fleet vehicle. Notifications will come to you via email.

GPS Slashes Labor Costs

There can always be headaches when it comes to your accounting department. With GPS, it will be easy to track time spent at specific locations and has accurate details that can easily be sent to timesheet software so you will have the most accurate data causing no room for error. You will be able to see:

  • Actual hours a vehicle is spent in operation.
  • Days and hours worked.
  • Average daily and weekly hours worked.
  • Monitor private vehicle use.

GPS Increases Safety and Security

At all times, you will be able to know where your vehicles and drivers are. With GPS tracking, you will be able to respond easily to emergencies knowing exactly where your vehicle is. You will also be able to reduce speeding of your vehicles to prevent unwanted tickets and avoid accidents. If one of your vehicles is stolen, it can easily be tracked and recovered.

GPS Gives Tax Savings

Most businesses can now take advantage of the Small Business Jobs and Credit Act of 2010 which states you can take advantage of section 179 tax deduction to lower if not eliminate your cost for purchasing GPS units for your business vehicles up to $25,000. This tax deduction is only available until December 31, 2015.


As you can see having GPS for your business is a no-brainer. Not only does it lower costs and increase production, but it allows you keep your vehicles and employees safe all while getting the GPS practically for free based on the tax credit given by the government. Where American innovation will take us next will be a mystery but businesses can take advantage of current technology to help guide us forward to grow American ingenuity increasing business profits until we harness the next idea.

Osho Garg

About Author
Osho is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TecheHow.
