5 Reasons You Should Avoid Free Hosting

When you see an advertisement on television and on the internet about creating your own website it all seems very easy and hassle free. However, what most people don”t realize is that simply booking a domain name doesn”t work; you also need to host that domain name in order for it to be available on the internet. While the cost of a domain name night not be that high, hosting the domain is more expensive and you need to renew it after regular intervals.

If you”re not too keen on spending money to host your domain there”s always the option of hosting your website for free. While this is great for beginners and bloggers, there are a number of problems that you could encounter when it comes to free hosting. If you”re planning to host your website for free, then you really need to consider these reasons and see why it”s best avoided.


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1. Advertisement

One of the main reasons why you should avoid free hosting is because your website will be loaded with advertisements that aren”t even yours. If you”re wondering why these hosting plans are free, these advertisements are your answer. The hosting company makes money out of the advertisements placed on your website and because the hosting is free they don”t really skimp on the amount of space they use up to place these advertisements.

There”s bound to be a lot of pop-ups and banners that come in between your web page and as annoying as it is, you can”t get rid of them.

2. Poor Customer Service

One of the first things that you should look for in a web hosting service is customer service. When you opt for a paid hosting service, you will get to choose the kind of customer service you want. However with free hosting services you will not get the specialized attention that your business deserves. Your queries will go to a generic email ID and you will probably get an auto reply stating that your query will be looked into. You will not even receive live 24/7 support which is needed in any hosting environment.

3. Not Reliable

If you expected the hosting to be great you need to reconsider and try visiting some of the websites that are hosted under their banner for free. A hosting company is not going to give you the best service when it”s free and this means that if there”s a lot of traffic on a popular site hosted on their server, there”s a strong chance your website will go offline.

4. Security Features

One of the things that all hosting services suffer from is hacking. Every company wants a reliable and secure hosting service without your data being compromised. Small time hackers usually do not target big hosting companies for fear of being tracked and being shut down. The easiest targets are the free hosting companies as there are a number of loopholes in their services. If you are relying on a free hosting service, it will not be long before you become a victim of malware or any other hacking technique.

5. Downtime

This is one word that every company dreads especially if they are in the e-commerce business. One of the biggest problems with free hosting services is that they cannot control the uptime when the number of users on your websites suddenly spikes. Stable uptime is something that every company wants to provide to the customers. An error on the website means that a business loses a customer forever. If you are running a blog and you expect a particular post to go viral, your hosting service provider will not be able to control the surge of visitors.

At the end of the day, when you put in a lot of effort to make a website look good you would want people to see the site and come visit it, however when the server is not reliable it’s not going to help you in any way. Unlike the early days where there were not a lot of options available with regards to hosting, these days there are a number of hosting companies that you can pick from. There are plans that you can choose from too. If you’re a start-up you can pick a basic plan that’s highly affordable and if you have a lot of traffic on your website, there are customized plans for you too.

Osho Garg

About Author
Osho is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TecheHow.
