Five KPIs for Implementation of Site Reliability Engineering in Your Organization

As Google pioneered various IT domains, it encountered internal technical glitches. These bugs acted as a hindrance to the smooth functioning of the systems and programs. 

Google created a new function known as site reliability engineering(SRE) to fix these issues. It had dual purpose in mind: developing new features and ensuring the smooth functioning of the production systems.

An SRE team focuses on cross-domain areas, such as monitoring the backend, a logging framework, and an automation framework. Site reliability engineers work with the Development and Operations teams (DevOps) on incident management and postmortems.

What Is Engineering for Site Reliability?

The goal of SRE is to bridge gaps between development teams that aim to push the task at a faster pace and the operations teams that have the objective of preventing obstacles in the production. 


Image Source: Pixabay

SRE empowers the software developers to gain complete control over the operations in its application processes. It is an approach to perform operations for continuously delivered cloud-based applications.

Now, let”s have a look at key performance indicators for the implementation of SRE.

How to Make the Systems Reliable In Your Organization?

When you have a large organization to run and cannot cope with the balancing of functions, then maintaining the reliability of the systems can be a tough task. This is where SRE can enhance smoother functionality and build more reliable operations for your organization. SRE includes a data-driven approach, a culture of automation to drive efficiency and reduce risk.

How to Reduce Risk through Automation?

SREs have another core principle which is to focus on improving things by a reduction in risk. It functions by embracing controlled risk. Site reliability engineering not just automates and restores failed services but also ensures that the failures never happen again. A balanced action plan is implemented to address the setbacks and to eliminate the root causes.

How The Concept Of Error Budget Helps?

SRE uses the concept of “error budget” to determine acceptable risk and make informed decisions about when to make changes. The error budget is a limit on how much time the system is allowed to be down, defined by the contracted service-level agreement (SLA) or the intended service-level objective (SLO). 

Error budget encourages testing and releasing if downtime is left in the SLA. If a system has been unstable, changes are restricted; if it”s stable, the SRE team can take the opportunity to innovate or upgrade.

Monitoring the Progress of the Organization

Analyzing the progress of the organization is a complicated task. But, SRE simplifies the mapping and analysis by eliminating performance bottlenecks, isolating failures by using the circuit breaker and bulkhead patterns, creating runbooks, and automating daily operational processes. It gradually helps in monitoring and streamlining the functions for uninterrupted progress.

Maintaining Balance between Functional and Non-functional Requirements

Every organization has a progressive layout, and maintaining the overall functionality requires an intellectual workforce. SRE consumes this idea and helps in managing a firm balance between the major requirements and unwanted requirements. It helps in reducing mean time to repair (MTTR) and mean time between failures (MTBF) significantly. And, it also helps in rolling out the updates and fixes at a rapid rate.

SRE can handle the daily operations of your organization efficiently, and it also works as a fast feedback loop to monitor the performance in the production.

Author Name: Carmel Isaac.
Author Bio: This is Carmel, a full-time professional blogger. He also loves to write on trending ideas on various topics that prove useful to one’s personal and Business life.

Osho Garg

About Author
Osho is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TecheHow.
