How to Create an Effective Training Venue

An effective training session begins with an effective training venue. No matter how good the materials, a training session is only as successful as the environment in which it is presented. Because of this, a training venue’s setup should take into account various elements that help guarantee a training session’s success and the satisfaction of the employees that attend.

How to Set Up a Successful Training Venue

When determining the setup for a training venue, the goal is to find a way to present the learning materials in the most effective way, while assuring that those attending the session have comfortable and easy access to material being delivered. To accomplish this, consider the following elements when setting up your venue:

  1. Room Arrangements – The room configuration is important to consider when setting up the training venue. Where the presenter is situated versus where those attending the training are positioned can play a role in the effectiveness of communication. Likewise, consider the amount of people attending and select a room that is neither too big nor too small. Maximize the space to serve the needs of the training. For instance, if the presenter needs equipment, they should be positioned in a place where they have access to electrical outlets. If the training involves breaking down into small groups, allow the space and flexibility for this to occur. Sight and hearing are two vital components of effective learning, so the room configuration should allow for all employees to easily see and hear the presentation. Beyond the configuration of the room itself, other elements such as lighting and the temperature should be considered. The goal in all of these room arrangements is to assure that attendees are comfortable and engaged.
  2. Equipment – To some degree, a training venue is only as good as the resources it provides, so it is important to assure that the venue has the equipment necessary to have an effective training. We all know there is nothing worse than a presentation that experiences “technical difficulties”, so a successful venue should have up-to-date equipment that has been checked for compatibility well beforehand. As mentioned previously, it is vital that attendees can hear the presentation, so use a microphone if necessary, and double check to make sure that the room is properly wired and that the equipment works appropriately.


  1. Furniture – The last physical element of the venue worth mentioning is the furniture. Again, it is important to place this furniture in a suitable configuration. Also vital is that this furniture be comfortable and convenient. For instance, if there will be a lot of moving around, tables and/or chairs with wheels may be most suitable.

Why Venue Matters

Regardless of how good a training session is being planned, if the venue does not reflect the learning and experience of the employees attending, then an increase in productivity cannot be expected. A vital component of effective training is completed beforehand, when you reflect on the needs of the employees in addition to the training material itself. Moreover, employees are more likely to participate in training and to take that training seriously if a business conveys that they themselves take the training seriously—and much of this image is provided by the aesthetics of the environment. Indeed, with studies showing that learning environment can affect classroom learning up to 73%, there can be little doubt of the importance of the role of venue in determining a training’s success.

The details of the venue are important considerations that should not be overlooked when planning a training opportunity. By having a training room setup appropriate for the learning objectives and meets the needs of the attendees, you can take one more step to ensure that the session will be more effective for all.

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Osho Garg

About Author
Osho is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TecheHow.
