Free Platform for App Developers

Under the name a German/American Start-Up provides an app market for business and productivity apps aimed at small and medium sized businesses.

Behind the company is the founder and CEO, Ralf Schwoebel, who has worked in Frankfurt as an e-commerce and SEO expert since the mid-90’s. So it is no surprise that the site is well attended and represents an attractive market opportunity for web apps.


In addition to a comprehensive directory app, the platform also offers services for app developers looking to sell apps. It provides a simple way to synchronize business data that can be used on both Android or iOS. As well as make your business easy through allowing you to register, upload and receive statistics on your app. For those who only want to market their own apps the service is free. But only allows productivity and business related apps. Games and fun apps are not listed.

Since the company’s launch six months ago, over 600 Apps in 2 languages ​​have been registered and these along with a few of  own apps not only show what is possible with HTML5 and Javascript in general but also in the business sector specifically. According to the company, they have already gained several clients from the construction industry, software developers and restaurateurs.

Osho Garg

About Author
Osho is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TecheHow.
