5 Technological Benefits of Traveling in 2015

Due to technological advances, traveling can become more than just a sit-and-wait game as you anticipate arrival at your destination. For some people, an 18-hour ride can become quite tedious as the person next to you constantly tries to spark up a conversation. In 2015, many of these time consuming trips can seem quicker by offering you more to do than looking out the window. Whether you”re in a bus or you”re seated on a plane, there are many advantages to traveling today.

Free WiFi Internet Access

Automobile Internet access is becoming increasingly popular. This is when a vehicle has the capacity to broadcast a wireless signal that you can connect to with your tablet or smartphone. This takes the trip to a different level as you”re able to use your mobile device to access the Internet while sitting in your seat. According to Washington Deluxe, this free Wi-Fi service is available on most buses.


Image Source: Pixabay

Staff Optic Tech for Enhanced Service

Some airlines are deploying devices such as Google Glass to staff in order to enhance the customer service experience. According to Virgin Atlantic, this wearable technology will be used to display the needs of various passengers including future prospects of dietary concerns based on individual personal preference. This will help airlines connect with passengers on a much more personalized level as information can be quickly displayed through the optical device.

Available Power Outlets

One of the most annoying aspects to long travel plans is the inability to keep your mobile device charged. Innovation has stepped in yet again to allow travelers to plug in their devices into the vehicle itself. This means that you can continue to enjoy your devices throughout the entire trip instead of the few hours you had left on your battery before you boarded. However, you may want to inquire about power adapters if your device doesn”t use the standard available power outlet.

Lighting Enhancements

The overall lighting of various public vehicles can also benefit from technology. Next generation aircraft may feature “mood lighting” that is capable of changing illumination and frequency automatically throughout the day. This offers a significant benefit as illumination can play a direct role in comfort regardless of the situation. By providing the right kind of light at the perfect time of day, travelers can experience fewer headaches are suffer less complications with sensitivity to various lumen levels.

Bus Rapid Transit, BRT

The BRT system is growing in popularity for public transportation as combined technologies such as real-time transit information and routing make for a faster and more reliable system. This culmination of technology and innovative programming has the capacity to increase the rider experience exponentially making public transportation more ideal over private vehicles to the individuals.

As more innovative implementations become available, your fear of long trips can become diminished. Like the adage goes, “Time flies when you”re having fun.” Who would have thought that a long bus ride could be so entertaining? Enjoy your method of travel and be comfortable during that time.

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Osho Garg

About Author
Osho is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TecheHow.
