4 Ways To Prevent Spam Callers

Spam callers can ruin the best moments of your day. Somehow, they have a talent for calling just as you’re sitting down to dinner or uncorking a bottle of wine.

Luckily, you don’t have to tolerate constant calls from these spammers. If you follow these four strategies, you can ban spam callers from your life.

Register Your Number on the Do Not Call List


Image via Flickr by UnitedSoybeanBoard

If you get annoying calls from telemarketing companies, you need to register your phone number so it appears on the Do Not Call Registry. Once your number has been on the registry for 31 days, telemarketers are forbidden from calling you.

Of course, some telemarketers don’t care about following the law. If they continue to call, then you can file a complaint on the National Do Not Call Registry website. Companies that receive enough complaints can face stiff penalties.

Keep in mind that the Do Not Call Registry doesn’t forbid every type of organization from contacting you. Charities, political organizations, surveyors, and debt collectors can call numbers on the registry. Still, you can significantly reduce the number of calls that you receive, so take this first step to make life less annoying.

Don’t Answer Calls From Unknown Numbers

Spammers know that most people don’t want to talk to them, so they often hide their phone numbers when they call. Many of these spammers don’t know whether they have legitimate numbers. They’re just dialing every number possible to see whether they can connect with a person. Their technique is similar to the phishing strategies that scammers use online. They don’t need a lot of people to answer. They just need a few to fall for the trick.

If you do answer, then the caller will recognize your number as one to use during future campaigns. The spammer might also sell your phone number to other scam artists. Then it won”t take long before you’ll start to get several calls per day from people and organizations that have no connection to your life.

The only way to protect yourself is to let the phone ring. Don’t answer it. Don’t reply via text. Pretend that it never happened.

Block Your Phone Number Before Returning Calls

Spam callers don’t always block their numbers before calling you. Some will use legitimate numbers in hopes that you’ll call back. Since they have caller ID, too, they can grab your number when you call them back.

Knowing how to block your number offers the safest way to return missed calls without putting your contact information in jeopardy. You can make sure to block caller ID with a phone by pressing *67 before dialing the number.

By blocking your number, you get to return phone calls so you don’t miss important messages. You”ll also protect your privacy from spam callers at the same time.

Unmask Hidden Phone Numbers

If you’re willing to spend a little money, then you can prevent spam callers by signing up for a service that will unmask blocked caller IDs. TrapCall is the most popular service for this. In addition to unmasking numbers, this service lets you block annoying callers.

TrapCall’s basic membership costs $4.99 per month. You can get extra services, such as privacy lock and voicemail transcriptions, by upgrading to a premium membership, which costs $9.99 per month. You can save 20 percent on your membership by signing up for a year of service. A two-year commitment earns you a 25 percent discount.

You can find similar unmasking services from companies like WhoWho, Truecaller, and Real Caller. Compare your options to choose one that fits your needs and budget.

Spam callers will always try to find new ways to reach you. After all, they stand to make a lot of money by finding someone gullible enough to listen to them. As long as you follow these four strategies, though, you shouldn’t have to worry about spam callers anymore. Even if one or two manages to slip through your layers of security, you will significantly reduce the annoyances in your life.

Osho Garg

About Author
Osho is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TecheHow.
