Top SEO Tips to Rank Well in Google in 2018

Securing high rankings in Google is vital for the success of an online business. Nowadays, 93% of decisions to purchase a new item start with an online search. If businesses rank on the first page—they receive around 90% of consumer click-through traffic (Bullas, n.d.). So, how does one gain high rankings in Google? One simply has to keep up-to-date on search engine optimization (SEO) practices. These standards may change from year to year as Google changes its ranking algorithms.


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If you are an online business owner, you most likely have a department that optimizes your web pages and blogs. Keep digital marketing staff up to date on the most important ranking factors for 2018 by creating an online training with . Trainings can be completed by staff at home or in the office, and staff who pass the training can automatically receive a customized completion certificate. Include the following SEO tips on ranking factors for 2018 in your SEO online training.

  1. Ensure a crawlable and accessible URL for your website.
  2. Integrate strong keywords into your website.
    • Strong keywords are words included on a web page that best reflect searchers’ intent.
    • Web pages should include primary keywords in H1 and H2 headings and be supported by secondary or tertiary keywords.
    • Conduct a search engine results page investigation to find strong keywords and topics that can be elaborated upon and utilized to improve Google rankings (Chamat, 2018).
  3. Create meta descriptions, title tags, and credible web page content with the searcher’s intent in mind.
    • Meta descriptions are the descriptions in the snippet below a search result. These should be created with strong keywords to entice searcher clicks on your web page (Fishkin, 2017).
    • Title tags, the clickable headlines in a search engines results page, should be compelling.
    • Content that is credible will be more likely to be shared on social media, and will be more desirable for link building. Link building and social sharing increases the ranking of web pages in Google.
    • Further, credible web pages that target searcher’s intent sooner—rather than later–in the page, will also receive higher rankings (Fishkin, 2017).

Bullas, J. (n.d.). 10 facts reveal the importance of ranking high in Google [Blog post]. Retrieved from

Chamat, R. (2018, January 16). How to rank well in 2018: The ultimate SEO checklist [Blog post]. Retrieved from

Crandall, T. (2018, January 29). Best ways to rank YouTube videos (2018) [Bog post]. Retrieved from

Fishkin, R. (2017, December 29). How to rank in 2018: The SEO checklist [Blog post]. Retrieved from

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Osho Garg

About Author
Osho is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TecheHow.
