XBLUE X16 Vs. Mission Machines Z-60: Which One Is Better for a NY Pizza Place?

Before opening a small business there are countless things you need to figure out: How much money will you need to get things started? How many employees do you need (if any)? What is the best location? These are just some of the most basic questions you’ll need to answer when making your business plan, but there is one thing most entrepreneurs overlook when it comes communications expenses.

If, for example, you’re planning to open a pizza place, you’ll need to provide your customers with a reliable option so that they can place their orders with no problems. That much is obvious. So how could you manage your call flow with probably just one or two employees picking up the phone? The answer is simple: You need a phone system with the right features.

That’s why we decided to make a comparison between two of the most popular telephone systems for small businesses in the market: the Xblue X16 and Z-60 developed by Mission Machines. These two are ideal for small companies, especially for Pizza Places in competitive environments such as New York City.

Getting Started

Let’s get something out of the way: The XBLUE X16 is cheaper. You can get the X16 with a couple of IP Phones for around $500. In other words, it’s less expensive than the latest iPhone. So it doesn’t sound like a steep investment at all. The Mission Machines, on the other hand, it’s a bit more expensive. You can get a Z-60 with four IP phones for a little less than $1,000.

However, if you look beyond the price tag you will immediately notice that one server tends to come with two phones while the other is usually bundled with four. Why? Well, the Z-60 is a system that can grow with you. While the X16 only supports 6 Incoming Lines, the Mission Machines supports 6 PSTN/FXO ports and 12 SIP trunk line ports.

With the Z-60 you can connect up to 49 VoIP Phones, whereas the XBLUE X16 was designed for a working environment with up to 12 users. You also need to consider that the X16 needs an adapter to use cordless phones while the Z-60 is cordless ready right out of the box. But since these adapters are not particularly expensive, the X16 still comes on top then it comes to the initial cost/benefit.

Unless you are planning to go for an expansive business, then the X16 seems like a better starting point. For small pizza places this equipment might be just what the doctor prescribed. Just keep in mind that if you strike gold then you will outgrow this phone system in no time. The Z-60 is, however, the ideal choice for bigger startups or pizza places looking to expand to other locations.

The dreaded phone bill

When you own a pizza place you usually receive calls instead of making them. But this is something worth noting: The Mission Machines Z-60 and the Xblue X16 can both help you lower your costs by reducing your monthly phone bill; the only downside is that you will have to invest in a good internet connection that will work for your phone system and make it a reliable option if you decide to go with VoIP.

What about the features?

When it comes to features the Z-60 is a superior system. From auto attendant to call appearances, it has it all. The X16, on the other hand, is somewhat more limited. However, the X16 does have all the basic features any startup business might need. Especially a pizza place.

Final thoughts

Overall both phone systems would be a great addition to your business. No matter which one you choose, they are designed to meet your expectations and allow you to run your business smoothly, and give your small pizza place a possibility to succeed in such a hard and competitive place as New York.

Osho Garg

About Author
Osho is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TecheHow.
