Using Technology To Help Your Patients

Technology plays a huge part in medicine today and it is vital to embrace modern developments in order to give patients the best care possible. Here, we take a look at how technology can be used to help your patients.


Physical therapy is a major part of almost all surgery. It is vital in getting a recovering patient out of their hospital bed and back up on their feet.

Unfortunately, in many cases, the already arduous process can be slowed further by all the admin that goes with it. You can help to speed therapy up with the use of physical therapy software. The groundbreaking technology allows for the automated documentation of a lot of the administrative parts of physical therapy, such as billing, scheduling, and practice management. This allows you and your patient to focus solely on physical rehabilitation.

Similarly, ems dispatch software offers an integrated solution for emergency services, with call data moving from dispatch to patient care to EMS billers instantly, accurately, and efficiently. This has streamlined calls and dispatch for emergency medical services.


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The digitization of health records is another technological advancement that is helping to make patient care much more straightforward. In the past, to get a file in clinic on time for a patient’s appointment was a long winded task that involved processing, collation and transportation.

Today, digital records allow medical professionals to pull up a file directly onto their computer. It reduces the time wasted during the process, cuts out a lot of potential for human error and ensures a medical professional has the data they need when they want it.

Minimally invasive alternatives

Although often lifesaving procedures, many conventional surgeries are very invasive and can cause great trauma to the body. As well as being dangerous to patients, the surgeries can take a long time to recover from. Thankfully, technology is paving the way for a much brighter future with minimally invasive alternatives to conventional procedures.

One such alternative is the Sapien transcatheter, which is helping to make heart surgery much safer for patients. Instead of having to face open heart surgery, a patient receiving a transcatheter has a small incision made near their ribs before the valve is fitted into place in the femoral artery. The procedure helps to greatly reduce blood loss and rehabilitation time. There are also minimally invasive alternatives for joint replacements and breast cancer treatment.


Medical supplies are not always easy to come by. They can be difficult to find and very expensive. This can cause huge delays in getting patients the treatment they need. However, technology may have the answer from an unlikely source: 3D printing.

The technology is perhaps best known as being used to print off a 3D gun. However, printing in the third dimension has also been used in a medical capacity. A notable example of this was when the technology was used to create a brand new jaw bone for an octogenarian Belgian lady. 3D printing has also be used to make joint replacement implants. As the technology is developed it is hoped that it will be able to be used to print off organs. This would give the health service easy access to invaluable supplies.

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Osho Garg

About Author
Osho is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TecheHow.
