Technology and Your Home – What’s Been Made Easier?

The home is a much different place than it was just 20 or 30 years ago, with the advancement of technology making our everyday lives that little bit easier. Whereas we once had to venture out to the library in search of answers to obscure questions, now we simply ask Google and are enlightened in a matter of seconds.

Of course, finding the answer to daft questions such as ‘who invented the table?’ isn’t the be all and end all of modern technology’s uses. There are some actual helpful uses that can be applied in the home, such as helping with DIY, comparing utilities before buying and, of course, online shopping.

So, what exactly has technology made easier? Well…


Who misses the painful weekly shop, forcing your way through aisles of docile shoppers when you actually know what you came for? Yep, me neither, and it’s all thanks to the wonder that is online shopping. Simply log onto your preferred supermarket’s website, fill your basket and order your shopping to be delivered in a designated slot.

This has made shopping far easier for those households without a car, meaning that you no longer have to carry heavy bags of shopping through town. Everyone has been there when a plastic bag or two has given way, leaving you to pick up your tins of beans that have made a break for it. Thank goodness that we can now call on someone to drop off our shopping.

Home DIY

Many of us like to think that we are masters of DIY when, in reality, we really should have read the instructions first. Even flatpack furniture causes a nightmare for us, even when we do submit and refer to the instructions (that and the fact there always seems to be fewer screws than the packaging suggests).

Thanks to the internet, we can now source easy to follow step-by-step guides to figuratively hold our hands. Whether we want to know how to erect a shed, install artificial grass or for tips on painting and decorating. While we may still not be on a par with the great handymen and women of our time, we at least do have a fighting chance.


Image Source: Pixabay


Before the dawn of the internet, we had to wait for either the evening news on the television or the morning’s papers for the latest news. Now, we can source news almost as it is happening through mediums such as social media, rolling news websites and other online sources.

This also means that, as the audience, we have a greater variety of choice of where we source our news from. This means that, if we do not agree with one outlet’s editorial stance, we are free to choose another. It also means that we are no longer confined to just the mainstream, with niche’s much more accessible than they were before.

Home Automation

Lastly, and possibly most incredibly, technology has all but rendered the switch obsolete. Now we can control household utilities through speech, a simple app or just the clap of our hands. This comes in useful for things such as heating, ensuring that our homes are nice and warm for when we get home without having the heating on all day.

With other tech, such as Amazon and Google’s home assistants, you can verbally ask questions and make requests that are carried out instantaneously. This is fantastic for those that are not comfortable using computers or smartphones, as well as those that are not as mobile as they once were.

Placing Aicool Smart Trash Can in your house will also be a great way to make your life easier and smarter.

Osho Garg

About Author
Osho is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TecheHow.
