How Your Tech Can Help You Have Fun At Work. . . Legally

How many days a week do you dread going into work? Many people just don’t have their dream job and going to the workplace everyday is definitely a job. Deadlines, grouchy bosses (who don’t want to be there either,) coworkers who would rather bite your head off instead of work together to get out sooner or get the job done better, and the normal ups and downs of having a job tend to suck the life right out of you. They say that laughter is the best medicine and that goes for a mundane work day, as well. Thanks to the tech of today, there are some escapes we can manage, even at work. Try these out when you get a chance.

Some Good Ole Fashion Rock N’ Roll

Whether sitting at a desk, building parts in a factory, or constructing the latest high rise, those 8-12 hour shifts can be brutally boring and predictable. While sometimes, that’s a good thing, the majority of the time we are just trying to find ways to make the time go by a little faster. Most of us love music! Why not get your groove on with your favorite band. With modern tech, you have your choice of using your cell phone, tablet, PC, or the nostalgic boom box.


Image Source: Pixabay

Mind you, some of us have some funky tastes and might need to be a little more considerate when choosing bands with explicit language and lyrics, in general, but listening to music is proving to lighten your mood and boost productivity. Simply put, when we feel better, we perform better. If your boss won’t allow music while you are working, bring your headphones and rock out on your lunch break.

Work Time Pics

You ever have a moment on the job that you wished you had on camera? Lot’s of us do and we carry them in our phones 24/7 now. Facebook is teaming with photos of people easing the tension with goofy stunts and shenanigans. Doing things that make us happy and laugh a lot is the way most of us cope with the stress of life. With this in mind, let us make this well known. Taking selfies when we should be working is not the wisest idea.

However, once the tasks are done or a few moments before you get started on your shift, fool around and have some fun making memories with the people you work with. You’ll find that the time you spend together making the picture will build your relationships with the people you work with and give you something to look at and laugh at on your lunch break and throughout the workday.

Playing Games

Well, this might not make sense at first. Playing games at work only registers if you are a game tester, but taking a break from the concentration needed to fulfill your obligation at work could make you much more efficient and might allow you a better attitude about the field you are in. Access is easy these days. We carry our cell phones, tablets, and have our PCs at work, as well. When you have time to take a breather, play a game. It gives your mind a chance to recuperate and come back to the task at hand refreshed.

It’s like passing up a math question you don’t understand and coming back to it later for another try. Some companies block access to online games and social sites, because of those who take advantage of the privilege. If that’s your situation, bring a board game or two and engage in some friendly competition while you eat lunch.

These are just a few simple ways to have fun at work. We all know that we perform better when we enjoy our job. So, try them out.

Osho Garg

About Author
Osho is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TecheHow.
