The Organization Apps That Will Save Every Student’s Life
When it comes to your smartphone most people have them handy at all times. That makes them the perfect tool for any student that wants to stay organized and productive. Here are five apps that can get you organized and ready to conquer this school year.
Awesome Note
This application has a great number of features that make it perfect for the busy student. You can make notes about your thoughts and ideas, keep a diary, write your schedule, keep a photo journal, write to do lists, keep anniversary dates, add notes and so much more. This is a wonderful app for those that want something that is one stop and that may not want ten different applications to keep everything straight.
This is an application that is primarily for taking notes and for making notes. This is a great application for those that do make a great deal of notes and that want them to be in one place. This is a post it form application that is great for students that have a large number of notes here and there and that do like to have reminders and the ability to collaborate which the app does allow. You can also store larger notes like research, graphs, and presentation materials making it perfect for students.
Image Source: Pixabay
This is an all in one organizer app that helps you to keep all your documents, emails, and more together in one application. Instead of having ten apps to manage the ten email accounts that you have and deal with on a daily basis, CloudMagic can bring these mail apps together into one easy to use and easy to read format so that you do not have to spend fifteen minutes tracking down each email account. When it comes to attending school you most likely have a personal, school, professional, and maybe even course specific emails that this app can help you seamlessly manage. This app even won a Webby for visual design making it all the more perfect for a high resolution smartphone like T-Mobile”s Samsung Galaxy S7 as the visuals can help make the organization that little bit easier and more stimulating, and it also features an innovative search option so you can find what you want when you want it.
This is a time management application that is perfect for those that like to micromanage their time and really like to know what they are doing at every time of the day. The application allows you to allot certain amounts of time from your day so that you are constantly accomplishing something. The name comes from the fact that most tasks fall within the 30-minute range through the course of your day which means that this app helps you tackle what you need to do and helps you make each task a manageable 30-minute one.
This is a great scheduling app that allows you to make notes about appointments, times for classes, meetings, schedules and so much more. This is a wonderful app for those that want something that is easy to use, straightforward and that does not have a ton of extra features that you may not need or that you may not feel like learning how to use. This is overall a great calendar application for those that want a calendar that does nothing else.
These are all wonderful applications that can help make your time at college or school far easier and more organized so that you do not have to spend hours trying to get your thoughts, meetings, schedules, and everything else you have to deal with together.