Infolinks – The best Adsense alternative

What exactly is the main aim of every blogger? It is to make online cash and maximize their income in every possible way. When someone starts their blogging career, they think that only adsense can be their main income source but getting approval from Adsense wasn’t easy enough as they have strict rules and policies to guard spam and due to that only 30% of the applications gets approved. If you have been searching for the Best Adsense Alternative on the web, Infolinks is the answer to all your problems. Have a look at the amazing features of Infolinks.

Infolinks – What is it and why should you prefer it over Adsense?

Infolinks is a #1 advertising platform that provides different advertising products for advertisers, publishers and companies. In fact the best thing about Infolinks is that it delivers different products like intext, inframe, intag and inframe to overcome blindness of banner. This is the reason why Adsense receives less percentage of clicks as people usually ignore banners. Infolinks is the best source of website owners and bloggers to monetize sites and blogs and this is the best destination for the advertisers to reach the target audience. Infolinks was introduced in 2007 and since then it was considered to be the best platform for advertising to deliver maximum revenue to the publishers and best level target audience for the visitors.

Reasons to prefer Infolinks over Adsense – Why should you opt for it?

Have a look at the reasons behind choosing Infolinks over Adsense:


Approval process is easy

Yes, this is true that getting approval from Infolinks is nothing but a child’s play. Infolinks don’t have any strong terms and conditions, in contrast with adsense. So, now that you’re with Infolinks, you don’t need to wait for long days to get a reply from Adsense.

You don’t require widget boxes

Now you don’t require special ad spaces on your website or blog. Infolinks will relate the targeted keywords with the ads and then automatically kink your keywords to the most appropriate ad and it will look like a normal link. When the user hovers the mouse over the keyword, the ad will pop up and you get paid commission for the views and clicks.

Monetization will be maximum

Usually people ignore all the still banners. Infolinks offers many ad products to combat banner blindness and enhance user engagement on your website. So, website monetization will be maximum with Infolinks.

Easy withdrawal of funds

Infolinks usually delivers easy fund withdrawal facility through different sources. You can withdraw funds through sources like ACH, Bank Wire, Paypal, Echeck and Western Union. It will not take more than 45 days to transfer funds.

So, now if your Adsense application gets disapproved due to some unknown reason, you don’t need to fret. Infolinks is the best among all the Adsense alternatives and it guarantees to deliver maximum returns for the advertisements. What are you waiting for? Sign up with them to maximize your revenues.

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Osho Garg

About Author
Osho is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TecheHow.
