Fantastic Features Of A Successful Ecommerce Site

Let’s face it, there is no point building a site unless it makes you money. Of course, sites have other uses, but you want the cash and you want it quick. The good news is that you can have it as long as you build a great ecommerce site. The bad news is that you might not have the first clue what that means. An ecommerce site is a site that maximises profit by selling goods and services. But, before you can start selling, you need to build a site that makes it possible. For all you beginners out there, here are the most important features.


Image Source: Pixabay

The key to running an ecommerce website successfully is knowing how to attract and keep attention. You have to drive up sales by coaxing your visitors to perform the actions you desire. You can use online visual-merchandising to meet that goal. It is a process of making your website aesthetically pleasing by using images in advantageous ways while at the same time communicating with your potential clients using your website layout. You can use several visual elements to achieve online visual merchandising success, such as videos and still photographs. If you are selling physical products, such as clothing, the use of models in your images can also entice visitors to purchase your products.

Another important aspect to consider is how your e-commerce website looks. There are plenty of ecommerce platforms out there that offer customized solutions to your online store design so keep in mind that if you are not a vivid designer or programmer, you should consider using one of those platforms

High Res Images

Selling a product isn’t as easy as it was back in the day. In the past, you could post one picture and a few bullet points about the product’s good points. Nowadays, customers won’t stand for that kind of laziness. They want a variety of pictures and videos that show different angles and people using the product in question. They also want to be able to zoom in and out and inspect the picture at their leisure. Customers don’t want to buy the wrong thing, so they want to be sure before they click. Also, they want to know that you are legitimate. Quality pictures and videos is one way to appease their fears.


Image Source: Pixabay

Mobile-Friendly Site

Technology has come a long way in the last ten years, and your site has to adapt. What does that mean? It means that people don’t sit at a desktop anymore and fill their basket full of goodies. In fact, they hardly sit at a laptop. The majority of people shop from their phone, and a phone structures a site differently than a laptop or desktop. In basic terms, they don’t have the resources to properly access the site. As a result, you need to tweak it so that mobile users can access your site quickly and easily. A responsive website will attract more people and have a far higher conversion rate.

Payment Options

You can’t make a sale if you don’t have the technology to process the payment. That is about as basic a rule as there is when it comes to an ecommerce site. Obviously, you will think about a credit card reader as your first and best option. Readers are great as they are quick and effective, but they do have flaws. If you need another option, you can always go with PayPal. PayPal might not seem as business-like, but it is secure and easy to use and setup. Before you pick one, weigh up the options.


Image Source: Pixabay

Customer Reviews

All ecommerce sites have to build a level of trust with their customers. After all, they have to put their card details into their mobile and hope it all goes to plan. To appease their fears, you need to post customer reviews. A review from a previous customer is a great way to show that you are a trustworthy site. More than eighty percent of people read reviews just to give you an understanding of how much they can help.

Where possible, use these features to your advantage. You won’t be sorry.

Osho Garg

About Author
Osho is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TecheHow.
