Can AI be Used to Beat Casinos?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a field of informatics dealing with the creation of machines solving complex tasks, for example in the areas of logistics, robotics, natural language processing, or the processing of large volumes of data.

Artificial intelligence research is divided into several fields, which are difficult to combine. Typically, there is a discrepancy between the statistical concept (which includes, for example, data analysis or image recognition), and the idea close to mathematical logic, which includes, for example, the area of planning, searching (chess game), or machine proving. However, the algorithms playing the game Go, which was able to connect statistics with searching, and subsequently with machine learning, showed the fact that this contrariety can be overcome.

Most research in artificial intelligence is focused on solving specific problems, developing individual approaches, and finding other applications of already established procedures. Contrary to popular belief, the effort to create a “truly intelligent machine” is a marginal issue, and most interest is concentrated elsewhere.

AI Big Victory in Poker

Artificial intelligence celebrated another victory in the popular human game. A special algorithm, designed by developers from the AI lab of Facebook and Carnegie Mellon University, managed to advise the best human gambling poker players. A variant called Texas Holdem was played, and bets on the game were not limited.

A total of 12 professional players took part in the tournament, playing against the algorithm of more than 1,000 games in twelve days. The program, named by its creators Pluribus, tested its possibilities in two modes. In the first, he played alone against five human opponents. In the second, five of his iterations were completed by one human player. The individual iterations did not communicate with each other outside the game or otherwise cooperate.


Image Source: Pixabay

According to an expert from the journal Science, this victory is another milestone in the development of artificial intelligence. In the past, AI has managed to beat human opponents in chess, or GO, or in computer games such as StarCraft II or DOTA. However, these were games based mainly on the logic and management of the playing field. Poker, on the other hand, is primarily a game of instinct and bluffing, qualities that are mainly human. So using AI in the area of online casino is quite different.

The program managed to win an average of $ 1,000 per hour of play. Pluribus first learned to play against itself and learned the best tactics that could be used using the machine learning method. Interestingly, the program”s algorithm was written in just eight days, and the result ran on a 64-core server equipped with less than 512 gigabytes of RAM. According to calculations, its education using ordinary cloud servers would cost only $ 150.

Will artificial intelligence start beating roulette or slot machines?

Poker as such is a very specific game. While the vast majority of gambling games, such as slot machines, dice or roulette, are a game of chance. Poker is generally considered a game of skill. The big difference is also that in poker, players play against each other, not against the casino.

Another game in which artificial intelligence could excel is blackjack. Thanks to the combination of optimal strategy and card counting techniques, the player gets into situations where he has a mathematical advantage. Such attempts were, of course, already there. In the gif (19 MB), you can see, for example, how artificial intelligence came up with an optimal strategy for blackjack.

When it comes to games of chance like roulette or slots, there is no usage for AI. Although there are various tips on how to play slot machines, you cannot win on them in the long run. This is mainly due to the mathematical advantage on the casino side, with which no program, no matter how smart, can beat.Artificial intelligence (AI) is a field of informatics dealing with the creation of machines solving complex tasks, for example in the areas of logistics, robotics, natural language processing, or the processing of large volumes of data.

Artificial intelligence research is divided into several fields, which are difficult to combine. Typically, there is a discrepancy between the statistical concept (which includes, for example, data analysis or image recognition), and the idea close to mathematical logic, which includes, for example, the area of planning, searching (chess game), or machine proving. However, the algorithms playing the game Go, which was able to connect statistics with searching, and subsequently with machine learning, showed the fact that this contrariety can be overcome.

Most research in artificial intelligence is focused on solving specific problems, developing individual approaches, and finding other applications of already established procedures. Contrary to popular belief, the effort to create a “truly intelligent machine” is a marginal issue, and most interest is concentrated elsewhere.

AI Big Victory in Poker

Artificial intelligence celebrated another victory in the popular human game. A special algorithm, designed by developers from the AI lab of Facebook and Carnegie Mellon University, managed to advise the best human gambling poker players. A variant called Texas Holdem was played, and bets on the game were not limited.

A total of 12 professional players took part in the tournament, playing against the algorithm of more than 1,000 games in twelve days. The program, named by its creators Pluribus, tested its possibilities in two modes. In the first, he played alone against five human opponents. In the second, five of his iterations were completed by one human player. The individual iterations did not communicate with each other outside the game or otherwise cooperate.

According to an expert from the journal Science, this victory is another milestone in the development of artificial intelligence. In the past, AI has managed to beat human opponents in chess, or GO, or in computer games such as StarCraft II or DOTA. However, these were games based mainly on the logic and management of the playing field. Poker, on the other hand, is primarily a game of instinct and bluffing, qualities that are mainly human. So using AI in the area of online casino is quite different.

The program managed to win an average of $ 1,000 per hour of play. Pluribus first learned to play against itself and learned the best tactics that could be used using the machine learning method. Interestingly, the program”s algorithm was written in just eight days, and the result ran on a 64-core server equipped with less than 512 gigabytes of RAM. According to calculations, its education using ordinary cloud servers would cost only $ 150.

Will artificial intelligence start beating roulette or slot machines?

Poker as such is a very specific game. While the vast majority of gambling games, such as slot machines, dice or roulette, are a game of chance. Poker is generally considered a game of skill. The big difference is also that in poker, players play against each other, not against the casino.

Another game in which artificial intelligence could excel is blackjack. Thanks to the combination of optimal strategy and card counting techniques, the player gets into situations where he has a mathematical advantage. Such attempts were, of course, already there. In the gif (19 MB), you can see, for example, how artificial intelligence came up with an optimal strategy for blackjack.

When it comes to games of chance like roulette or slots, there is no usage for AI. Although there are various tips on how to play slot machines, you cannot win on them in the long run. This is mainly due to the mathematical advantage on the casino side, with which no program, no matter how smart, can beat.

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