Buying a New Computer What to Look For

Given the sheer number of models available on the market, buying a new computer can be somewhat bewildering. You can easily find yourself confused by the differing specifications but how you actually use your laptop or desktop should be one of the key buying factors.

Carefully considering the specs you require from your new PC will help to narrow down your buying choices and can also help you to avoid over-spending on your purchase.

Choose your purpose

If you’re a casual PC user then you’re in luck when it comes to price, since even the low-cost laptops and tablets now offer high-specifications. If you stream films, play games and listen to music you can find a laptop with a high resolution screen, excellent processing power and as much as a 1 terabyte hard drive for little cost. Consider, too, the portability factor and whether you’re looking for a lightweight model for on-the-go purposes. Tablets are the most popular portable option, but if you want to store films and music onto a hard drive then a laptop will outrank even the high-end tablets in terms of memory capacity.


Image Source: Flickr (blakespot)

Check the processor

If you’re looking for high performance in terms of speed and multi-tasking, choose a computer with a superior processor. There’s nothing worse than a poor processor, so check the number of cores and the speed; in terms of speed the higher the number on your model the better and a multiple core processor will be better than a single one. Casual users can get away with a single or double core but if you want more power, for instance for work purposes, then head upwards and also consider turbo-boosting for an additional kick. If money isn’t an object, make for the i7 if you want maximum processing power for your cash.

Seek reliable performance

No matter how hard you look you’re never going to find a manufacturer that claims their product is unreliable but unfortunately this is often the case with certain PCs. This is why reading user reviews by people those who have purchased specific models is important, as is reading up on computer basics in a computer buying guide. You might think that buying the most expensive brand is a no brainer, but that’s not always the case and some inexpensive models can give years of reliable use. If you’re using a computer for work every day you need to ensure reliable performance over the long-term and checking out those user reviews is crucial.

A buying check list should include a high amount of random access memory (RAM), peripherals such as USBs and integrated Wi-Fi, your choice of operating system and a high-end dedicated graphics card if you’re intending on some heavy duty gaming. Don’t forget your choice of processor and above all, make sure to spend some time testing out your computer in-store even if you intend to purchase online.

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Osho Garg

About Author
Osho is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TecheHow.
