7 Essential Martial Arts Apps

Martial arts are not just about fighting. Unfortunately, some people see these sports as violent and not adding anything positive to society. This is a total misconception.

The facts are that practicing martial arts is a very spiritual way to protect the body from harm while utilizing meditation techniques. There are many different types of martial arts, including karate, swordsmanship, and kickboxing. Each has its own set of rules and rituals, including spirituality.

If you are interested in the martial arts and are looking for the best way to get more information, but don”t have the time, maybe you might find several of the martial art smart device applications currently available of some use.

Below are seven smart device apps that provide information on the martial arts.

1. Martial Arts Study

This handy tool works much like an encyclopedia and provides any information you could possibly need about the martial arts. You can find information on such disciplines as jujitsu, dragon kung fu and even American karate.

This app provides you with the traditions, the combat techniques, the overall image of the martial artist, and also defensive objectives. To understand the art as a whole, this application is very useful.

2. iKata Karate

This application is made for advancements in Shotokan style. The tool provides information on all the procedures you need to go through in order to advance to the next level in this discipline. You can learn the essential katas to move ahead by simply referring to this application.

3. Taekwondo Personal Trainer

With the use of basic digital images, you can learn the standard moves in the Taekwondo form. This application is handy for those who may need a refresher on what they learned in a class. It can also serve as a study guide for tests.

4. Wing Chun Masters

Made by Crooked Creative LLC, this application shows you never-before-seen footage of Wing Chun Masters. It can serve as a great motivational tool for students.

5. Kung Fu 101

For a great way to learn Chinese kung fu, check out this app! The program also shows you the basics of Tai Ji, which is a form of balance essential for mastery of the martial arts craft. Before your traditional training or between classes, use this app to keep yourself motivated and inspired by the art of fighting.

6. Marine Martial Arts

This application includes the 500-page manual of the Marine Martial Arts. The tool was created by Double Dog studios and is great for former Marines or people who are interested in military martial art tactics.

This app features techniques for military combat and even lethal maneuvers that are applied during war. The app also includes basic fighting techniques for self-defense. The various features in this application make it well worth the cost, which is a very affordable two dollars.

7. Martial Arts, learn how to protect yourself

Provided by AppWarrior, this tool is simply priceless. With this application you can learn the basics of self-defense as introduced through the art of jujitsu. This program includes the four basic points of self-defense, mixed with the tenets of the jujitsu form of fighting. You can”t find self-defense tactics quite like this anywhere else.

Martial arts are simply beautiful in their power. For many people, the martial arts have transformed from a fighting art to an essential tool for daily living. For those interested in the arts, there are several martial art supply stores and sites that make finding the right equipment very easy.

With the right tools, information, and mindset, martial arts can really enhance your life.

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Osho Garg

About Author
Osho is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TecheHow.
