5 Things You Need When Setting Up a Home Office

Looking to work from home as a virtual freelancer? Have a new online business that you want to manage from your pad? Want a change of pace with telecommuting? You”ll want to set up a home office.

Setting up a home office isn”t that difficult, so long as you”re willing to shell out some cash and do some quick research beforehand. Below are some basic things that you”ll want to consider for your home office.


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A reasonably powerful computer

Depending on what business or service you want to get into, you”ll have to invest in a decently powered computer. It can be a standard desktop PC, or if you want portability, a laptop. Regardless of your choice, it has to be able to get the job done.

For example, if you”re offering video editing services, you”ll have to spend extra and get a computer that can handle it. Inquire with a knowledgeable friend or sales representative on building a system that has the necessary hardware for the task.

Reliable Internet and mobile connectivity

Nowadays, Internet and mobile connectivity are a must-have when setting up a home office. However, a bad Internet connection and poor cellular reception are as good as having no service connectivity at all.

Make sure that you sign-up with the most reliable Internet and mobile provider in your area. Ask around for feedback, or look it up online. To ensure that you have a strong mobile connection, consider investing in a signal amplifier. These devices boost cell signals and can greatly improve the mobile reception in your home office.

A multi-function printer

Even in this day and age of digital information, there are still some things that still need to be on tangible paper. Pairing your computer with a printer is still a necessity, especially in a home office setting. Of course, if your business is a mostly “paperless” enterprise, then you probably don”t need a printer.

Look into purchasing a printer that has other nifty uses such as a scanner and photocopier. Some printers also have fax capabilities, but usually, these are the more expensive variants. If you really need faxing, you”ll have to get one of those models.

Comfortable furniture with ample storage space

You”ll want a decently-sized desk for your computer, printer, documents, and other items. Get a nice, comfy office chair while you”re at it. You”re going to spend a lot of time sitting in your home office, so you might as well be comfortable.

Depending on how paperless or paper-reliant your gig is, you”ll need to have enough filing cabinets for your office. Storage for miscellaneous business-related items should also be part of the plan.

A whiteboard for memos and notes

This cheap piece of office equipment is a very useful addition to any well-run business. It can be used for convenient reminders, notes, and whatnot. Don”t forget to get one and place it in a conspicuous part of the office.

Osho Garg

About Author
Osho is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TecheHow.
