5 Puzzle Games for the Xbox That We Love

These days, there are hundreds of great games on the Xbox.  But one genre that not many people consider is puzzle games.  We all love playing the odd game of Candy Crush on our phones or heading to a Dallas Escape Room with our friends, but not many of us think about turning on our consoles to play puzzles.  To try and change this, we’ve created a list of the top five Xbox One puzzle games that we think pretty much every gamer will love.


Cuphead was one of the most popular games of 2017, talked about as much for its cute animated graphics as its frustratingly difficult levels.  It’s been called a ‘run and gun’ platformer and the story revolves around a character called Cuphead who needs to complete a series of challenges to repay his debt to the devil.  The game has really fun 1930s style graphics, and if you enjoy mastering brutally difficult games, Cuphead is a top choice. Its many awards are a testament to this.


Image Source: Pixabay


Inside was created by the same developers as Limbo.  In it, you take on the role of a boy who seems to be escaping from somewhere – we’ll let you decide where from.  You pass through many horrific scenarios that somehow look beautiful at the same time – the artwork is really good.  And while the game may look like a 2D platformer, it requires a lot of brainpower to work out the puzzles that will help you progress.  It’s definitely frustrating in places, but it delivers just as well as Limbo did, and has received quite a cult following since its release.

The Turing Test

The Turing Test is a first-person puzzle game in which the player takes on the role of a space engineer.  In order to proceed, you need to solve various puzzles, which get more difficult over time with the help of an AI called T.O.M.  But as you proceed, you realize that T.O.M. may not exactly be operating with your best intentions in mind. The story in this game is just as good as the puzzles, and it’s a great choice for those who like their games to have a little depth.


Unravel is another cute game in which you play as a small figure of yarn.  In order to explore and reach new areas, you need to unravel yourself. However, there’s a limit to how far you can go, so gamers are tasked with finding more yarn along the way.  Unravel has been called an adventure game, but we think it deserves its place on the best puzzle list, as it does require a lot of thinking to progress.

Other games that we must mention here include Limbo (briefly described above), Braid, Pneuma: Breath of Life, Stacking, and Brothers: a Tale of Two Sons.

If you enjoy playing puzzle games on your Xbox One, please let us know of any more recommendations in the comments.

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Osho Garg

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Osho is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TecheHow.
