3 Tips For Improving The SEO For Your Small Business

If you have a small business, you might be struggling to know how you can keep up with the marketing and advertising aspect of your business while also conducting the actual business that you provide. One thing that can make this easier is if you understand what SEO is and how to effectively get this going for your small business.

To help you in figuring all this out, here are three tips for improving the SEO for your small business

Learn About Your Competitors

Before you can start working on your own SEO strategies, you should first spend some time learning about the strategies that your competitors are using.


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To do this, Erika Varagouli, a contributor to SEMrush.com, recommends that you spend some time looking through the search engine results pages to see what keywords your competitors are using and where you’re ranking in comparison to them. By researching how you stack up to your competitors and getting a feel for what they’re doing with their SEO, you can try to create your own strategy that will either do something different from them or do what they’re doing in a more effective way. This can help you to better tailor your approach for your SEO strategy, especially if you haven’t had one in the past. 

Know How To Optimize Your Webpages

Once you know what keywords you’re wanting to rank for and what keywords you’re going to be competing for with your online and offline competitors, it’s time to start optimizing your webpages using your keyword research.

Some of the areas you’ll want to focus on for your optimization, according to Mindy Weinstein, a contributor to Search Engine Journal, are the titles, the meta descriptions, and the body of your content. Within these areas, you should try to ensure you’re using keywords that are specific for the areas that you serve as a small business, especially if you’re very specific for particular neighborhoods or parts of the town in your area. 

Use The Right Tools

While a lot of marketing used to be mainly guesswork, thanks to many online tools, you can now know a lot more information about both your target audience and how your SEO and other online marketing efforts are working. 

According to Marcus Miller, a contributor to Search Engine Land, some of the most useful and popular tools to use when honing your SEO skills for your small business include tools like Screaming Frog, Google, Majestic, Google Search Console, and more. 

If you’ve been trying to do SEO for your small business but have felt like you’ve been stumbling around in the dark, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you figure out what you’re doing and how to best accomplish your objectives.

Osho Garg

About Author
Osho is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TecheHow.
