What Are Smart Warehouse Systems?

A smart warehouse is a combination of several automated and interconnected components and technologies. These work in tandem to increase productivity, efficiency, and minimize human errors.

When implemented, a smart warehouse forms an ecosystem of interconnected technologies where the warehouse goods are received, tagged with identity, sorted and organized in a way so as to efficiently pull them for an automatic shipment.

The warehouse which automates almost its entire operations from supply to delivery with minimal errors forms the top-notch smart warehouse system.

Characteristics of a smart warehouse.


Image Source: Pixabay

A smart warehouse displays certain traits that make it more successful than other warehouse systems, such as agility, scalability, and high data visibility.

1. Agility

In today’s changing world, the operations of warehouse systems are becoming more and more complex. In order to meet these challenges, the smart warehouse should be able to adapt and change rapidly according to the demands. An intelligent warehouse needs to optimize its operations and lookout of new storage options continuously.

A smart warehouse needs to effectively utilize and cater to the varying staffing needs for the whole of the year. It aims to limit the utilization of onsite staff and also able to handle the heavy workloads during peak times. Smart warehouses that have excellent agility should be able to work with numerous systems and warehouse functions in a coordinated manner to produce the desired results.

Any staff that are onsite for specific work, should also be able to understand how to use these systems for their benefit, as well as carry on with manual work. Harmony is needed at this time so that technology is seen as a support not a hindrance. The use of tech in this environment can also help with keeping tabs on machinery maintenance and seeing when equipment needs to be replaced to minimize downtime and injury. The need for websites like https://www.platformsandladders.com/mobile-platforms for specific equipment, can be used by humans to order from, unless there is a a tech component that can do this for them.

2. Scalability

A smart warehouse should have high scalability that allows it to accept any significant flow of goods and effectively and efficiently manage it as well. It should be well supported by the internal systems that can scale well along with the demands without any struggle.

3. High Data Visibility

To effectively manage in a smart warehouse, the data related to supply chain functions should be available and accessible to the concerned hardware and software. As the warehouse operations become more and more complex, these data need to be more visible and available in real-time for the devices and the concerned stakeholders for quick actions and decisions.

It gives them a birds-eye view of the entire warehouse system with data which is complete, accurate, and real-time.

Components of a Smart Warehouse

A smart warehouse can have many interconnected components and technologies, depending on the complexity of the supply chain and delivery system. More and more components integrated into the intelligent warehouse reduces the need for human intervention and improve productivity and efficiency.

A basic smart warehouse system can have some of these components that are interconnected to form a homogeneous ecosystem.

1. Robotics

Robots in a warehouse handle many heavy lifting, frequent and repetitive tasks. They are automated to perform jobs that can start from picking up the goods and bring back for packing orders. They have higher abilities than humans in terms of speed of movement, identify the shortest path, quickly identify and pick the goods, and plan optimal storage.

2. RFID, Radio Frequency Identity

An RFID is a small tag that has the ability to emit radiofrequency wave upon a request. Goods tagged with RFIDs eliminate the old methods of tracking using labels stuck on them.

RFID enables easy tracking with the digital tags and automated scanning system, which can record the product”s information based on the response from an RFID on the product.

These can automate the process of identifying these goods, counts, and type of products received and shipped with high accuracy.

3. Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence can help the warehouse robots to find the efficient route, determine the best box to shipment, depending on the type, number, size, and weight of the product for a particular purchase. It can use AI to pack the goods in a space-efficient way, store and retrieve goods in an optimum and quick manner.

These unique capabilities help warehouses to drastically reduce their operating costs, reduce human errors, and improve productivity and efficiency significantly. Professional JD Edwards Managed Services can help coordinate all of your processes across all areas of your business.

4. Internet of things, IoT

A smart warehouse with IoT helps internet-enabled devices to communicate and share data among these devices. A robot can communicate with a warehouse management system, sensors, scanners automatically and seamlessly.

Unlike a human operating these processes which are prone to errors, the IoT devices can communicate with each other, share massive amounts of data, and eliminate the human error and minimizes human interference.

5. Warehouse Management System

A warehouse management system, WMS, is the top of all the smart warehouse components that integrates every warehouse operation in it. It is crucial and also the central management system that has many uses right from gathering data to delivery of the order.

It helps in the management of the warehouse processes. It provides a timely report, data visualization and pinpoints any deficiencies in the process.

Osho Garg

About Author
Osho is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TecheHow.
