Review of Hostoople Hosting Services, Best Affordable Hosting

Are you looking for a web hosting provider that is affordable at the same time reliable? Are you looking for powerful web servers that can help you run your website without glitches? If you have a positive response for these questions, you have come to the right place, where we are going to review Hostoople Hosting Services, one of the most popular providers of various web hosting services, ranging from shared web hosting to dedicated server hosting. The firm has been quite popular for providing top-quality services regardless the amount you pay, although specifications and the features may vary. In this review, however, we shall have an overview of one of the best web hosting providers, Hostoople.

Hostoople — Available Services


Image Source: Pixabay

As we’ve mentioned earlier, list of available services is a bit huge when we consider Hostoople. Notable ones are:

  • Shared Hosting plans are for those upcoming small businesses and personal purposes, where you have a lot of resources, made available at an affordable rate. Shared hosting plans of Hostoople are known for their UI that requires no sorts of previous experience.
  • VPS Hosting: If you need a virtual yet private server to store your website files and thus to grab an enhanced level of productivity, you can go with VPS hosting plans of Hostoople and these plans are affordable, we bet.
  • Dedicated Server Hosting: When a virtual mode is not enough for you, then it might be the time to find a full, powerful and entire web server and to store your websites in it. In comparison with other hosting providers’ dedicated server plans, we should say Hostoople is damn affordable.
  • Reseller Hosting: If you are a businessperson and want to resell web hosting to your clients, who might be a part of blogging or internet marketing world, you should go with reseller hosting plans of Hostoople and you’ll never be disappointed. Moreover, Hostoople is the provider of cheap reseller hosting.

It has to be noted that both reseller hosting and shared hosting plans of Hostoople have Windows server variant. So, despite the fact that they are basically running on Linux, you have the option to find the Windows-based one if your requirement wants so.

Hostoople — Usability & Customer Care

It is an undoubted fact that usability and customer care are really important factors when it comes to choosing web-hosting providers for your professional or personal purposes. In that respect, Hostoople is something awesome, as it offers different methods of customer support — through live chat, email-based support and a toll-free number that you dial and solve your issues. On the other hand, while talking about usability of service, we have to mention that the web-hosting provider is making use of cPanel-based control panel for its web-hosting plans and the control panel is something worth praising, for its nice interface as well as integration of required features in an easily accessible way that makes sense. In addition to this, scripts for installing web-based platforms, Content Management Systems and blogging platforms — including WordPress, Joomla and a lot — are available in the control panel of Hostoople in a way that installing these tools will be something quite easier as far as a normal user of web server is concerned. So, the usability section of Hostoople is something great, indeed.

Our Verdict on Hostoople Hosting Services

When we are supposed to reach our verdict on web hosting services from Hostoople, we are nothing but impressed! Particularly, we loved usability of Hostoople services, when considering the easy-to-use Control Panel and availability of different ways to communicate with support team of Hostoople.

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Osho Garg

About Author
Osho is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TecheHow.
