How to Nail Your First Email Marketing Campaign

When you are launching your business, you want everything to be perfect. This includes the product or the service itself, the website that you’ll sell it on and the all-important launch day. Marketing is such a broad term and in 2020, there are so many different strategies that you’ll hear thrown about. Should you use influencers? What about creating social media channels? Have you ever considered email marketing?

Email marketing is one of the most effective strategies that you’ll come across in 2020 but many people aren’t even sure where to start. How do you create effective copy? What kind of service works best? The good news is that we are going to offer some tips to help you nail your first email marketing campaign in this guide. Let’s get started.

Plan Plan Plan

As with any strategy that you are planning on implementing in your business, you absolutely must plan your email marketing campaign carefully. Simply loading up your email software and sending out an email to a few contacts does not count as an email marketing campaign. You need to carefully plan the campaign from start to finish if you want to get the results that you are hoping for.

The best place to start is with a pen and paper, or a laptop if that’s what you prefer. You need to list out the goals of the campaign, the graphics that you’ll use and of course, the content. What are you CTAs? When will the campaign or blast get sent out? With careful planning comes great results so make sure to do this if you want to nail your first campaign. Learning to plan this kind of campaign will also come in handy further down the line when you are working on other campaigns.


Image Source: Pixabay

What’s Your Budget?

When planning the campaign, you’ll need to also consider your budget, but this is so important we wanted to talk about it separately. The great thing about email marketing campaigns is that they can be affordable, even to smaller businesses that are close to launch. Of course, this entirely depends on the email service that you use, who is creating your graphics and what your email blast is offering.

You must spend some time assessing your budget and allocating it correctly. If you can, find some free services for your first campaign and this will help you get started a bit quicker. You might be able to find some free trials online or even some free templates that are suitable for the kind of campaign you are planning on running. If you are struggling with setting a marketing campaign budget, you’ll find plenty of guides on this specific topic online so have a look!

Use Tools at Your Disposal

The next tip that we have for those who want to nail their first email marketing campaign is to use any tools that you have. In 2020, you don’t need to be a graphic designer with years of experience to design an attractive email or a graphic. You also don’t need to have coding experience to create an email marketing campaign that includes links, CTA buttons and can be analysed.

There are a few tools that you’ll want to get your hands on before you get started on your campaign. This includes email list generating tools, graphic design tools and, most importantly, an effective email blast service. The email blast service can often include all of the tools that you’ll need so make sure to look carefully before you commit to anything.

Once you have the tools, learn how to use them. They’ll have plenty of features, but you won’t need all of these for your first campaign.

Who Are Your Target Audience?

If you really want to nail your first email campaign, this question is very important. If you are targeting teenagers, new mums or grandparents, the copy needs to be altered to suit them. Your target audience for the email campaign must not only align with your ideal audience but also the audience that is on your email list. You might aspire to promote your product to the younger generation but are they on your email list?

This is where segmenting your email list can come in handy. This way, you can adjust the copy for the kind of customer you are targeting and make sure that it does the job. If you don’t have much experience in segmentation, it might be worth getting some additional tips online to help.

Analyse It All

The last tip that we have for you is arguably the most important tip on the list. Of course, this is something that can only really happen once you have generated the campaign and started sending it out. You need to analyse everything from the open rate to the number of website views that you get. If you don’t spend time analysing the results, you won’t be able to nail your second or your third email marketing campaign.

Usually, email blast services come with tools that will provide you with all of this information. Make sure to pay attention to it – you might be surprised by the results. Once you have the data, you should use it to improve upon any future campaigns that you create.

Final Thoughts

Nailing your first email marketing campaign is never going to be easy but if you follow the tips that we have given you in this article, you should be able to give it your best shot. You need to remember that planning is key, as is analysing the results at the end of the campaign.

Make sure to utilise any tools that are at your disposal to create a branded, attractive email campaign that is going to stand out. Hopefully, you’ll nail your first campaign and you’ll be ready to use this as a valuable marketing tool for your business in the future.

Osho Garg

About Author
Osho is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TecheHow.
