How to create an eCommerce app easily?

Following is a detailed account of how you can create an eCommerce app with a few steps. Launching an eCommerce app is no longer a question of why but how. e-Commerce is the future. And e-commerce apps are no longer a luxury. If you don”t believe us, look at how many firms have gone online in the previous few years! Businesses must accomplish two things immediately to stay in the rat race.

One, go virtual.

Two, go mobile!


Image Source: Pixabay

The steps to create an eCommerce app for gaining and retaining customers effectively, an online company must provide a superior customer experience. The idea is to contact customers on all possible touchpoints, consistently giving a wonderful experience. In today”s competitive world, a flawless mobile experience is critical. Since mobile traffic currently exceeds 60% of all traffic, mobile purchases are rapidly catching up. Also, 80% of shoppers lookout for the store”s mobile site when in-store. Until recently, practically all e-commerce takes place online. However, the potential of mobile apps has recently become apparent to many in the industry. A mobile e-commerce app reaches the most personal and vital element of our life — our smartphones. A custom e-commerce app can take years to develop. You”ll need significant money to pay the agency or hire a full-time development team to build and maintain the app. This mindset has caused most small firms or entrepreneurs to be apprehensive of getting their apps. Creating an e-commerce app with is simple! The platform claims to enable you to create an app in just a few steps, with no coding required! is one of the best app development platforms. Following is a list of all the standard features present in an eCommerce app.

Top e-commerce app features

You can build an eCommerce app without coding in minutes, but there are several considerations to consider to maximise user experience and engagement. Features make an app unique and therefore focus on introducing simple and useful features for consumers. Here are some great features you may add to your eCommerce app:

1) Registration

Make your clients” registration process simple. Avoid bothering your consumers by simply including necessary fields like name, email, and password. If possible, allow Google or Facebook login.

2) Payment methods

Make your eCommerce app accept numerous payment methods. Your app”s payment options allow customers to pay safely, securely, and conveniently. Your mobile app can accept payments via net banking, credit card, debit card, or third-party payment processors like PayPal, Stripe, etc. Build an app with to make the app development process easy for yourself.

3) Push Alerts

You can quickly and instantly alert your customers about new products, discounts, and coupons with push notifications. One of the advantages of push notifications is that they immediately give needed information and attract users. Many studies suggest that most users open the app when notified.

4) Customer feedback

The ratings and review function allows your users to express feedback, report errors quickly, and discuss ideas. You may optimise your eCommerce mobile app”s user acquisition based on their input.

5) Internet

Your eCommerce mobile app can connect you directly with your customers by integrating social media capabilities. You can also utilise social media to educate clients about new items, offers, and coupons. lets you incorporate all these features without needing you to write one line of code.

6) App Stats

App analytics is an excellent feature for any mobile app because it allows you to track user behaviour and adjust the user experience accordingly. You can create tailored marketing campaigns and make your eCommerce app a hit with this data and reports.


Thousands of eCommerce businesses now rely on mobile apps to drive sales. You know more and more customers are buying using mobile apps. So, what”s preventing you from joining this app world? Now that you know about apps, their benefits, how to create an eCommerce, and their beneficial features, you must consider establishing one for your eCommerce app before its too late.

Osho Garg

About Author
Osho is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TecheHow.
