How to Create a Website Structure That Is Great for Your SEO

Did you know that even the way your website is designed can have an effect on your SEO ratings and rankings? And if your website doesn’t get ranking you have no profit or visitors.

But why does any of this matter?  Well, there are a few reasons.

  • A good web design and site structure will mean a better user experience
  • It will provide your site with valuable site links
  • It will mean for better crawling
  • At the heart of good SEO is optimizing for the crawlers.


Image Source: Pixabay

But How Can You Create a Better Site Structure?

Creating a better site structure is not a complicated science. You just need to focus on a few important things. In short, it’s about structuring your web design.  How can you do that? Well here are a few tips.

Make use of categories and break up the page accordingly.

You want to make sure you are dividing your page up so that you have separate menu items. Keep your blog posts and product pages separate.

Create equity in your category size

What does this mean exactly? Well, you want your categories to be around the same size. If a specific category gets too big because you find yourself blogging a lot about that topic, then break it down further into subcategories.  If you split categories, though, make sure your linking is pointing to the right place.

Improve your internal linking structure

Do you already use Yoast SEO or a similar plugin for your website?  If not, you should be. Plugins for SEO can help you to improve your links so that they will drive more traffic and improve your search rankings.  You want to make sure that your link structure follows your site hierarchy.

Create a hierarchy

A good web structure is going to look like a pyramid. Create your categories and subcategories in this fashion.


Keep your coding simple. HTML and CSS are both fairly simple to learn and to implement.

List your main navigation pages in your header

Create your header in a way that showcases your top-level navigation pages. Nothing more and nothing less. Doing too much in the header is just going to be distracting and ultimately will hurt your SEO.

Make use of cornerstone content

These are the pages of content that are the most important.  These are going to be the most important articles on your page and likely the ones that will draw the most traffic and continue to do so over time.


These basic tips are going to give you a good place to start.  Follow these steps and then dig deeper to find even more resources.  The key is to increase your visibility so that you can increase traffic.  Increased traffic is going to increase revenue overall.

Avoid duplicate content and maximize the way you are presenting your information to your readers. All of these things are going to help you. We suggest finding an expert SEO Portland Oregon company for learning more about this. And pass these tips on to your web designer or web developer if they aren’t already using them.

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Osho Garg

About Author
Osho is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TecheHow.
