How has technology changed the shape of online education?

Before the advent of technology, the education system was based on face-to-face teaching and learning in a classroom setting where the teacher gave lectures from a podium placed in the front, and the students sat in rows facing the podium. In addition to using the podium, the teacher also used chalk and a blackboard to illustrate their points. The education system has completely transformed from the 20th to the 21st century. Most modern-day education still has the same view, but technology has percolated into teaching-learning in multiple ways. 


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Technology has changed education

Technology has profoundly changed education in many ways, not only for conventional teaching-learning, but also for evolving and enabling newer education methods such as online education. 

Technology has greatly expanded access to quality education. In the 19th century, books were rare, and only an elite few had opportunities and access to educational resources. To get an education, students had to travel to institutions. Massive volumes of information (books, audio, photos and videos) are now available via the internet at the touch of a button, which removes the traveling aspect of studying. Learning opportunities are available worldwide through online lectures, videos, podcasts, etc. Technology has given students unparalleled access to learning opportunities.

Online teaching-learning paradigms

Technology has increased communication and collaboration opportunities. Classrooms have traditionally been rather isolated, with collaboration limited to pupils in the same classroom. Today, technology enables multiple forms of communication and collaboration unimagined in the past. Students today can learn about anything by using online resources, reading blogs, and even talking live with experts via a video conference. Students can collaborate on group projects using computer technology-based tools such as MS Teams and Google Docs. There is no need to sit within the walls of a classroom to work on a group project, as technology has enabled new ways of communicating and collaborating. Learning is possible online with the advancement in technology, you can see for yourself if you check out this online course, for example.

Technology has also altered the responsibilities of both teachers and students. The teacher is the major source of information in the typical classroom, and students passively receive it. However, with increased access to information and educational opportunities made possible by technology, we see the teacher’s role shifting to that of ‘guide’ in many classrooms today, and students taking more responsibility for their own learning by using technology to collect relevant and meaningful information. Schools and institutions around the country are redesigning classroom environments to support this new form of teaching, encourage greater contact and small group work, and leverage technology.

Technology has invaded online education

Technology is a very powerful tool that has supported and transformed online as well as offline education in many ways. Technology has always been used to make the process of teaching and learning easier for both the teacher and the student. The use of technology probably began in the conventional education system with the use of chalk and blackboards to assist the teachers in conveying difficult points.

In education, teachers use technology to make it easier to create quality instructional materials, and it provides new ways for students to learn and work together. 

Changing the face of online education

The advancement and development of technology have brought about numerous changes, and the world is evolving at a rapid speed. The impact of technology on online education is obvious. Thanks to technology, classrooms are more inclusive than ever, and teachers have discovered new ways to connect with their students and boost student engagement and learning. 

Teaching is not an easy profession, but technology has helped teachers make it easier and less complicated. Teachers exploit technology to assist them in preparing and delivering the right content to the students and accessing their learning 

Educational institutions have been transformed digitally over the past few years, and both the teacher and the student have become more digital savvy. Until a few years back, online education was considered applicable to higher education only, but with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and strict protocols for human safety, online education has percolated to primary education.

Online education has become even more diverse and has been redefined. Almost every teacher has become an expert in conducting online classes, evaluations and interactive sessions. Virtual classrooms have become the new normal. 

Online education has been completely transformed in the last 40 years, and newer paradigms are evolving day by day as technology is advancing and invading education more and more. Some of the major technology invasions in online education are discussed below.

1. Multimedia in education

Multimedia technology’s impact on online education provides teachers and students with endless possibilities and opportunities. Multimedia is the digital technology amalgamation of audio, video, images and infographics. The use of multimedia in education began with slide projection and is now used by teachers to improve the quality of their teaching and to help students better understand subjects. 

Multimedia in education has the potential to increase participation, improve instruction and simplify communication. With the rise of online classes and online education, multimedia has aided in creating a more lifelike experience. 

2. E-study materials

The availability of study materials and other resources is one of the main benefits of technology in education. 

3. Augmented reality in education

Augmented reality (AR) is increasingly used in educational contexts to assist pupils with difficult subjects. For example, students who find geometry difficult can utilize AR to observe and manipulate 3D geometric forms. Another use of AR in education is to teach global perspectives through virtual field trips that allow pupils to interact with people from other cultures.

How is online education changing higher education?

Around 81% of students agree that online learning technology has helped in improving their grades. Online learning has been found to increase learning retention rates by 25% to 60%. The e-learning market is expected to grow to $325bn in 2025, making it one of the highly popular education options. You can pursue any online courses, such as an online DBA, while working in your current profession without having to take a break as is expected in a conventional degree program. 

Online learning offers quality education options at an individual’s convenience. Studying together in an online program can bring together a diverse group of individuals from anywhere across the world.

Osho Garg

About Author
Osho is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TecheHow.
