Here’s Why Your Business Needs An App

Did you know there are now over a million apps on the App Store. There are even more on Google Play. The app industry has quickly grown to dominate the tech-world. Some of the biggest apps are now receiving valuations in the billions. Snapchat, for instance, was recently valued at $16 billion. To put that in perspective, that’s more than the value of The New York Times. In the modern market, a young app can out-value an established media giant. That’s just one reason why your business needs an app. Keep reading if you need more convincing!

Brand visibility

Recent statistics showed that the average smartphone user looks at their screen for two hours a day. Whether it’s playing games, sending messages or browsing social media, that’s a lot of time! That time is spent flicking between apps. Your business ought to take advantage of this mobile time. If users download your app, they’ll see your brand and logo every time they unlock their phone. It’s a subtle way to ingrain your branding in their life and improve your visibility.

Improve customer service and loyalty

Your customers are spending more and more time on their phones. It has become commonplace to take customer service queries into the mobile sphere. Using an app, you can make it easier and more efficient for you users to get in touch with you. It’s an essential communication service that will help generate more loyalty.


Image Source: Pixabay

Direct marketing

The beauty of mobile apps is the ability to send notifications and sales messages direct to customers. It’s one of the few ways you can reach right into their world and connect with them. Using push notifications, you can send them personalised offers and discounts. You can remind them about updates or tell them about a new service you’re launching. No other marketing channel gives you such direct access to your customers.

Location services

Our favourite thing about app development is the limitless possibility of location services. Some brands are already using this in a powerful way. One simple method is using your customers’ location to tailor your service. When they open your app, simply show them content and results that relate to their area. Think about how your banking app shows you the closest ATM or local branch. You can get really creative here.

Provide additional value to your customers

The best companies use their apps to add value to the customer experience. Using a mobile device, you can offer a more powerful service. Some food brands, for example, use their apps to offer recipe ideas to their customers. They give them discount codes and coupons. This service goes above and beyond their product to provide extra value.

Selling power

Statistics show that the iPad and other tablets have the highest online selling rate. A higher percentage of users shop on tablets. By providing a simple and easy app, you can encourage this process further. Without an app, you’re missing out on a huge amount of potential sales.

Convinced? You should be! An app is an essential part of any modern business. How could you harness the power for your company?

Osho Garg

About Author
Osho is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TecheHow.
