Getting Custom Numbers For Sales Documents In Magento 2

Today it is quite common when store owners look for a way to change IDs of their sales documents for more convenient and effective data management. Default document numbers in Magento are usually long and bulky, which makes it difficult to manage orders and related files, as well as comply with local legal requirements. And most importantly, native Magento numbering leaves no space to safeguard sensitive business data from competitors. Besides, when order number is short, a customer may decide the product he is about to buy is not that good and popular or that the retailer is unreliable. This may keep him away from making a purchase, resulting in lost sales for store owners.

To tackle these mission-critical issues, a specialized Magento 2 solution should be leveraged.

Magento 2 Custom Order Number extension helps retailers to take full control over their order processing routine, adjusting the existing document numbering practice to their business needs. This cutting-edge extension allows upgrading the default order numbering scheme by introducing custom IDs to all orders and order-related documents, including invoices, shipment records, and credit memos.


Core Functionality

Using the extension, Magento 2 admins are able to easily set new IDs for either all documents or just specific document types. Designed with the end-users needs in mind, Magento 2 Custom Order Number provides for a plethora of useful functional features, including:

Flexible numbering settings  

With the Custom Order Number extension admins get the full freedom of ID editing. They can set any document number length as well as change any of its elements, including suffixes, prefixes or postfixes. Latin letters, number, hyphens and underscores can be used and combined. Admins also may start sales document numbering from a pre-defined number or randomize all IDs if required. This way Magento merchants are able to create a completely unique ID numbering algorithm at their stores.


Support of custom variables

A range of available variables assists Magento 2 admins in customizing a sales document number look. The variables include store codes, random numbers, counters, and dates.

Multiple store views – multiple numbering rules

Custom Order Number allows configuring separate numbering rules for each store view. This feature is especially beneficial to large Magento-based websites that have more than two store views, providing the opportunity to keep record of all order-related documents independently.

Automated duplicates check

Whether caused by human factor or system performance issues, duplicate values of order IDs are a pain point for the majority of online stores. To address the challenge, Aitoc extension provides for automated order number check. Thus, Magento admins will be able to instantly detect and correct IDs duplicates, if there are any.

Easy switch back to the default Magento format

In case you need to introduce custom document IDs only for a certain amount of time, the solution allows to get back to the default numbering format provided by Magento with just a click.

Installation Guide

Enabling Custom Order Number for Magento 2 is easy and takes just a few quick steps:

  1. Unzip and insert the extension file into your root Magento folder.
  2. Connect to your server by SSH.
  3. Head over to your Magento root folder.
  4. To install the extension, perform this command: php bin/magento setup:upgrade
  5. To switch the extension on, perform this command: php bin/magento module:enable Aitoc_CustomOrderNumber

Summing Up

With Aitoc Custom Order Number for Magento 2 online retailers are able to introduce a more effective order document numbering practice at their stores. The extension helps store admins get all sales documents in order in the easiest manner, contributing to better and faster order execution and so higher customer satisfaction.

To learn more about other Magento 2 extensions designed by Aitoc, please check the official website.

Osho Garg

About Author
Osho is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TecheHow.
