What Is ITIL Foundation Training All About?

The competition is so much intense in the current market that there is no option other than being at the best to get successful. Just carrying out the processes efficiently is not enough in such a situation. This is the reason, one of the most effective ways that one can have is to make use of systems such as ITIL.

ITIL is one of the best set of practices that are adopted now by many of the business houses all over the world for project management and IT service management. The ITIL Foundation training is helpful in offering the candidates with the certification to claim that they are experts in the ITIL system. Also, the training program talks about various concepts such as key elements, and terminologies in the service lifecycle of ITIL.

Candidates Who Pursue The ITIL Foundation Training Course

Can just anyone apply for the training course? Yes, there are no such prerequisites necessary for the course unlike many other professional certification courses available in the market. This is because ITIL Foundation is a prerequisite for many of the certification courses that you will wish to pursue later on for a better career approach.


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However, the training course has been designed for a number of specific candidates. Some of such professionals who can take up the training course are IT professionals, business process owners, business managers, and project managers. But apart from these professionals, also students who are interested in IT service management can also take up the training course.

What is Included In The Training?

Before you take up the training, you might also wish to know about your learning after the training is completed. The individuals will learn the concept of ITIL along with some of the important terminologies. Apart from the basic information, there are some of the important things to learn such as ITIL practices, fundamentals of service lifecycle and service management, and so on. Also, you will come across the right methods of preparation to excel the test and get awarded with the certification.

The curriculum of the training course has various segments and these are an introduction to ITIL, service strategy, service design, service transition, continual service improvement, functions, roles, and responsibilities. Under these segments are covered some of the most important topics such as concepts, processes, and benefits of ITIL, service management, service strategy, service design aspects, processes of service transition, improvement process, technical management, generic roles, and many others.

How Can ITIL Help The Organizations?

Do you know today a wide number of organizations throughout the world prefer to hire candidates with certification programs such as ITIL? So, how does such certification or candidates with such certifications can help the business firm?

  • Customer Satisfaction: Which company does not want satisfied customers? ITIL helps organizations in attaining the goals of the business and hence satisfying the customers with better results each time. So, one of the major reasons for acquiring ITIL by the firms is to enhance customer satisfaction.
  • Better Communication: Among various benefits that ITIL offers, one of the most crucial ones is better communication. The smooth communication is among various people such as within the team, or with the stakeholders or even with the clients. When there is a better flow of communication, visions get clearer and this enables the team to work on the right path each time.
  • Reduction In Cost: A businessman will always wish to have better results with a lesser amount of investment. When the costing for any business is high, even if the sales are good, the profit earned will seem to be quite less. ITIL makes this possible that the costing of both the internal as well as the external processes is reduced down so that the firm can enjoy a good amount of profit.
  • High Productivity: ITIL consists of processes that help in making the operations of the project smooth and error-free.  When issues such as complications and mistakes are eradicated, it leads to the high productivity of the business. Here productivity does not just means the amount but also the quality of the products produced. When the quality of the products is maintained, the customers will be much more satisfied and hence the business will surely have a much higher profit and will be successful.
  • Competent Staff: A company can only run well when the staffs of the company are working well. The ITIL program makes it possible that the employees of the organization are well-skilled and well-competent so that they can work with confidence and can result in higher productivity with lesser costing. When the competent staff occurs, not only the customers of the firm are satisfied but also the firm makes a good reputation in the market due to a good relationship with the clients, stakeholders, and so on.

How Is ITIL Certification Helpful For The Individuals?

Do you think ITIL is only helpful for the firms? It is not because there are so many ways how the certification program extends a huge amount of help to the professionals.

  • Understanding ITIL: Today, a wide number of organizations is adopting ITIL for better service management, reduced costing, and high productivity. In this case, it is a great idea for an individual to get the certification of ITIL done. When an organization with the ITIL framework notices the certification in a candidate’s resume, there are high chances that they will hire this particular candidate in place of many others in the queue.
  • Offering Great Results: The competition is quite tough today even in between the employees of the same company. The firm keeps a keen eye on its employees to see who is performing how much. Here, you can make use of your ITIL skills to prove your efficiency and providing better results to the company. Who doesn’t wish to be the apple of the company’s eye? If you are willing to be in such a position in your IT Company, try out getting an ITIL certification and you will surely be able to woo the seniors with your skills and knowledge.
  • Getting The Right Career: There are so many firms who have a set number of qualifications for a particular position. If you are trying out for one such ITSM career, you might have to look out for such qualifications. Among various options such as experience and so on, one of the common qualifications that major of the firms are looking for is a professional certification such as ITIL. So, adding up the certification in your resume can help you in getting your career right.
  • A Good Salary Package: Certification courses such as ITIL are high in demand today among the organizations throughout the world because they make the candidates confident and well-skilled in the fields such as project management and service management. This is quite obvious that when the certified candidates are so much in demand, the firms will be also ready to offer a handsome salary package to such candidates. You just need to look out for the right opportunity at the right time and you will be able to hold a great position with a great salary package for it.

ITIL or Information Technology Infrastructure Library is one of the known and one of the most helpful sets of practices that are being used by various firms all over the globe. The increasing need for using ITIL in various firms has increased the demand for such candidates who have expertise in the system. The ITIL certification course offers training to the candidates in gaining such expertise so that they can benefit the companies in acquiring the best results. Not only the certification is helpful for the companies but also they help the individuals in gaining skills and confidence. Also, the ITIL Foundation course is a qualification that can help the individuals to pursue many of the other such professional certification courses in future to enhance their career better.

Osho Garg

About Author
Osho is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TecheHow.
