How Technology Is Helping Businesses Be More Eco-Friendly

The push toward sustainability in the business environment isn’t usually done solely for the sake of making the world a better place. It’s also a concept that’s smart for business. Sustainable businesses are growing in popularity among consumers, and those companies that can find ways to be greener also tend to have lower costs so they can focus on increasing profits rather than expenditures.

The use of technology is a huge driver in how even small businesses can become increasingly focused on sustainability. Technology is opening up new opportunities for all types of organizations, and paving the path toward a more environmentally-friendly future.

Below are simple ways any business can use technology to get greener and improve profitability in the process.

Remote Work Environments

The “face” of how we do work is changing, and that’s due almost entirely to new technology availability. Rather than having employees come to work in a central office location, many companies are embracing remote workers who do some or all of their job from home, or wherever they please.

Having remote employees is advantageous for businesses because it’s been shown to improve productivity and it also gives companies greater access to a larger talent pool. It saves on overhead costs associated with the traditional work environment as well. In terms of being a green work model, remote work situations mean less time spent commuting and fewer resources used in the office.


Image Source: Pixabay

Technology aids in all this by making communication and collaboration simple, no matter where employees may be working from.


For companies that have logistical concerns, which can be any business that makes deliveries or requires transportation as part of their business model, technology has paved the way for increased efficiency.

With collaborative and logistical technology, companies are finding ways to save time, money and the environment when it comes to scheduling deliveries and drivers’ routes. There’s a reduction in the usage of fossil fuels, as well as improved overall productivity.

Going Paperless

The workplace doesn’t look like it used to, and one of the big differences is in how resources are used and documents and other work materials are created and stored. Offices used to be full of file cabinets and paper storage systems, but now that’s all being replaced with technology and digital file sharing with tools such as virtual data rooms from providers like Firmex.

Many offices are no longer sending out paper billing statements or letters, and are instead going with emailed information, and rather than faxes, there are unique technology platforms that make it easy to collaborate without the use of any paper or any other resources aside from a computer or smartphone. It cuts down on the usage of natural resources, streamlines operations and business processes, and reduces the amount of things companies send to the landfill each year.

Future Advances

Technology continues to evolve at rapid speed, offering businesses the opportunity to not just make their operations greener, but also to continue to be innovators in the realm of new products and offerings that are more eco-friendly. The above are just a few ways technology is creating the foundation for a more sustainable future in the workplace.

Osho Garg

About Author
Osho is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TecheHow.
