Have You Been Fooled By These Myths about Printing?

When it comes to printer ink and using printers, there are actually a lot of myths that are perpetuated in our society which are simply not true. Many people don’t really understand how printers and ink work – so they keep on repeating false information. Unfortunately, this can lead to a general misunderstanding about printers, ink cartridges and how they all work together.

The thing about myths is that they are based on misinformation being repeated so often that it is accepted as truth. Many people don’t have an in-depth understanding of how printers work, so they are not able to determine whether the things they hear are truth or not. This is why it is important to look further into the technology that we use in daily life, so that we can be better informed.

Let’s take a deeper look at some of these myths, so that we can uncover the truth behind them and gain a better understanding of how this important technology works. Have you been fooled into believing that any of these printer myths are true?

Printer Ink is More Expensive Than Champagne

Perhaps you have heard people say that printer ink is more expensive than champagne or perfume – but is this really true? It’s quite a shocking comparison to make because it really makes companies question why they are paying such high prices for this commodity. The truth is that although this statement might be true per volume, it doesn’t really apply because of the way that ink is consumed in comparison to these other liquids.

For example, you drink champagne by the glass or by the bottle – which means that when you celebrate with bubbly it can be very expensive. However, when you are consuming ink you only use a small bit every time you print. The miniscule amount only costs a few pennies for every page, so it doesn’t really make sense to compare printer ink with champagne.

Also, the materials that you print will last a lot longer than a glass of champagne, whether you are printing brochures, photos or other important documents. This means that the value of these printed documents is much more economical than this myth implies.

Photos and Documents Will Look the Same No Matter What Ink You Use

Although many people think that ink is just ink and that it doesn’t matter what you use – this is actually not true. Ink us more than just coloured water – it is a complex fluid that needs to be chemically compatible with the printer. Also, different qualities of ink will produce different results. The very best printer inks have been developed by chemists and the different chemical aspects within them are carefully balanced in order to achieve the best results.

You will definitely see a difference between a photo that is printed with high quality Brother Ink or HP Ink, compared to a photo that is printed with poor quality generic ink.

When You Return Your Empty Cartridges to the Manufacturer, They Are Reused

Many people return their empty cartridges to the manufacturer, thinking that Epson will reuse Epson Ink cartridges in some way. However, the truth is that only 20% of the empty printing ink cartridges are ever recovered by any person or organisation. In fact, there are independent cartridge remanufacturers who eventually recover more empty cartridges than all of the original makers combined.

Sometimes, companies such as HP and Canon will not reuse the cartridges for their original purpose, but will grind them into powder and then use that powder to make pellets for low-grade plastic products like cups and CD cases.

Using a Defective or Poor Quality Ink Cartridge Will Destroy Your Printer

There is nothing to worry about, as this myth is not true. If you use a poor quality or defective ink cartridge in your printer, it will be mostly self-contained and it will make very little contact with the rest of the printer. The very worst thing that could happen, even if the cartridge exploded, is that the toner would have to be removed from the printer. Removing toner deposits is not a big deal and is part of the routine maintenance of the printer anyway.

These are just a few of the most common myths out there about printers and print cartridges – and the truth behind them. Have you ever heard any of these myths and believed them, just because they seemed right? We hope you now have a better understanding about how this technology works!

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Osho Garg

About Author
Osho is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TecheHow.
